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Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute the Purchase and Sale <br />Agreement and all required documents for the acquisition of real property located at 28 <br />Civic Center Plaza (APN: 008-067-36), in the amount of $3,826,000 plus closing costs and <br />escrow fees, subject to non -substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City <br />Attorney (Agreement No. A-2023-147). <br />MINUTES: Councilmember Penaloza expressed support for the item and stated, for <br />the record, that the future Civic Center will include State and Federal Government <br />offices alongside the City and County buildings. <br />MOTION: Councilmember Bacerra moved to approve the recommended action <br />for Item No. 12, seconded by Mayor Amezcua. <br />The motion carried, 7-0, by the following roll call vote: <br />AYES: COUNCILMEMBER BACERRA, COUNCILMEMBER <br />HERNANDEZ, COUNCILMEMBER PENALOZA, <br />COUNCILMEMBER PHAN, COUNCILMEMBER <br />VAZQUEZ, MAYOR PRO TEM LOPEZ, MAYOR <br />NOES: AMEZCUA <br />ABSTAIN: NONE <br />ABSENT: NONE <br />Status: 7-0 — Pass <br />13. Receive and File the Orange County Grand Jury's Investigative Report, Findings, and <br />Recommendations Regarding Group Homes and the Orange County Animal Care <br />Shelter and Authorize the City Manager to Deliver the City's Response to the <br />Findings and Recommendations to the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court <br />Department(s): Planning and Building Agency <br />Recommended Action: Receive and File the Orange County Grand Jury's Investigative <br />Report, Findings, and Recommendations Regarding Group Homes and the Orange County <br />Animal Care Shelter and Authorize the City Manager to Deliver the City's Response to the <br />Findings and Recommendations to the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court. <br />14. Public Intoxication and Substance Abuse Enforcement Informational Report <br />Department(s): Police Department <br />Recommended Action: Receive and file. <br />MINUTES: City Manager Kristine Ridge explained that the Public Intoxication and <br />Substance Abuse Enforcement received majority vote for implementation two (2) City <br />Council meetings prior, and this item was solely a receive and file. <br />Councilmember Vazquez stated the City of Santa Ana should not be the bearer to solve <br />the issue and called for a creation of an Unhoused Committee. <br />City Council <br />11 <br />08/15/2023 <br />City Council 9 — 32 2/20/2024 <br />