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Councilmember Hernandez spoke in opposition to police involvement with <br />homelessness. <br />Councilmember Phan spoke in support of the item. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lopez expressed support for Chief Valentin and stated the plan was <br />implemented as a result of resident pleas. <br />Councilmember Penaloza clarified that the Public Intoxication and Substance Abuse <br />Enforcement is not to target homeless and spoke in support of the item. <br />Councilmember Bacerra asked when residents should see the policy in effect. <br />Police Chief David Valentin stated the policy is in full effect and quarterly reports would <br />be provided. <br />Councilmember Penaloza thanked Chief Valentin and his team for being proactive at <br />the Santa Ana hot spots. <br />Councilmember Vazquez thanked Chief Valentin and requested the list of priorities for <br />the Police Department to review where the Public Intoxication and Substance Abuse <br />Enforcement would be on that list. <br />Discussion ensued regarding medical care within jail facilities. <br />Mayor Amezcua requested monthly reports. <br />No formal action taken. <br />15. Street Naming No. 2023-01 to Change the Name of a Segment of North Mabury Street <br />and South Elk Lane between East Fourth Street and East Chestnut Avenue, Adjacent <br />to the Santa Ana Zoo, to South Zoo Lane <br />Department(s): Parks, Recreation, and Community Services <br />Recommended Action: Affirm the Planning Commission's adoption of a resolution <br />approving Street Naming No. 2023-01 to change the name of segments of North Mabury <br />Street and South Elk Lane between East Fourth Street and East Chestnut Avenue, adjacent <br />to the Santa Ana Zoo, to South Zoo Lane. <br />MINUTES: Mayor Amezcua called upon Director of Parks and Recreation Scott. <br />Director of Parks and Recreation Hawk Scott provided a brief history, and presented the <br />new street sign of Zoo Lane. <br />City Council <br />12 <br />08/15/2023 <br />City Council 9 — 33 2/20/2024 <br />