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ServicePlus Support Services Agreement <br />Avoce44e <br />The above service levels are maintained providing there are hours remaining in the budget. If no hours <br />remain in the budget service levels will only be maintained with Client authorization and are dependent on <br />Avocette resource availability. <br />Exclusions (Service Levels are no longer in effect): <br />• A ticket is referred to Clariti as a product or SAAS Issue <br />• A ticket relates to CLIENT network or system Issues not covered. <br />• In the event of an external disaster or disruption. <br />The following are required for Avocette to meet the above service levels: <br />• CLIENT will provide all required subscription, software and/or hardware licenses required to <br />support the application. <br />• The support team will not be on -site at CLIENT's location and Avocette's support team will be <br />able to access the CLIENT network remotely using an SSTP VPN connection to access the <br />necessary application environments. <br />" , if• 0 s�: <br />Service level reporting is a key means of communication between CLIENT and Avocette. It is a forum to <br />discuss the performance with respect to service levels, the accomplishments and challenges, and to have <br />open honest dialog about the service delivery and relationship. It also allows potential risks to be <br />discussed and addressed proactively. Service level reporting is provided through the Avocette service <br />manager and as agreed to by the CLIENT. Service level meetings are recommended to review the report <br />and to have dialog around the service delivery and support relationship. <br />2,4,1 Service Level Meetings <br />The following service level meetings will be conducted: <br />• Weekly Prioritization meeting to review and rank incidents in priority. <br />• Monthly Planning meeting to assess service request planning, status, priority and actions. <br />• Annual Service Delivery review meeting to review the previous year and determine what <br />adjustments are required for the next year. <br />Attendees will include at least: <br />• Avocette Service Delivery Manager <br />• CLIENT Contract Manager <br />Note: Actual time spent conducting and documenting service level meetings will be charged at the <br />contract rate. <br />Note: Avocette Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Annual meetings will occur via conference call <br />unless otherwise requested, <br />2.4.2 Service Level Report <br />The service level report is prepared weekly and monthly and will include the following information: <br />