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III. Bond and Disclosure Counsel Services. In the event that the City proceeds with the issuance of Bonds (such <br />as EIFD Bonds for the South Bristol Project or Lease Revenue Bonds for the Main Place Project), a mutually agreeable <br />supplement to this agreement shall be entered into by the City and Consultant to set forth a fixed fee for bond and disclosure <br />counsel services performed through the closing date of the applicable financing, as follows: <br />1. Consultant will undertake the following Scope of Services with respect to bond counsel services: <br />Advise the City with respect to the proposed financing, including but not limited to: <br />(a) advice and consultation with the city manager, city attorney, other staff of the City and the City <br />Council regarding the financing process; <br />(b) prepare all legal proceedings in connection with the proposed financing, including, but not limited <br />to drafting various ordinances, resolutions, documents and agreements for consideration by the City Council of the City; <br />(c) participation in meetings, hearings or negotiations with the City staff, City Council, municipal <br />advisors, underwriters and other financing team members as the circumstances require; <br />(d) render a validity opinion with respect to the proposed debt obligation and, with respect to <br />transactions expected to be tax exempt, deliver a tax opinion that interest earned with respect to the City's debt obligation is <br />exempt from State and Federal taxes, if applicable; <br />(e) review and prepare summaries of the major legal documents for inclusion in the Official Statement; <br />and <br />(f) prepare final closing documents to be executed by the City to effect delivery of any financing <br />(including the tax certificate). <br />For purposes of Paragraph 1, if the City elects to incur indebtedness through a financing corporation or a financing <br />joint powers agency, all references to the City shall be deemed to include the financing corporation or joint powers agency. <br />2. Consultant will undertake the following Scope of Services with respect to disclosure counsel services: <br />(a) Prepare disclosure documents for the City for use in all offering documents to comply with federal <br />disclosure regulations; <br />(b) Obtain information to prepare the preliminary and final offering documents from counsel, municipal <br />advisors, underwriters, underwriters' counsel and the City as appropriate; <br />(c) Prepare the 15e2-12 Certificate to be signed by the City with respect to the preliminary offering <br />document and the Continuing Disclosure Certificate; <br />(d) At the direction of the City, prepare on the City's behalf all documents and materials necessary to <br />comply with all applicable continuing disclosure requirements for the transaction(s) [Excluded from flat fee for disclosure <br />counsel services]; <br />(e) At the direction of the City, assist the City to comply with ongoing disclosure requirements <br />including [Excluded from flat fee for disclosure counsel services]: <br />a. Assist with the determination of whether an action, activity or event constitutes a "material <br />event", as defined in SEC Rule 15c2-12, and prepare the appropriate disclosure of such material event; <br />b. Assist with the review of the compilation of the "annual financial information" needed to <br />comply with the City's continuing disclosure requirements under SEC Rule 15c2-12 and any current <br />continuing disclosure statement; <br />11 <br />4862-4688-5795vl/200434-0006 <br />