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Appendix <br />ATTACHMENT 1 <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS <br />FOR <br />NEW AQUATICS FACILITIY AT MEMORIAL PARK <br />CONSTRUCTABILITY REVIEW, CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, <br />AND INSPECTION SERVICES <br />RFP NO.24-041A <br />INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND <br />The City of Santa Ana previously solicited proposals Architectural and Engineering services for a <br />construction of New Aquatic Facilities at Memorial Park (the "Project"). By this Request for Proposals <br />(RFP), the City now desires to engage a professional consultant to perform constructability review and <br />construction management services. The consultant shall provide at least three individuals to act as <br />Construction Manager (CM, the "owner's representative"), Inspector, and a Contract Administrator (CA), <br />and serve as an extension of City staff to assist in the overall delivery of this project which includes <br />performing independent review of plans, specifications, and estimate, pre -construction tasks, managing <br />construction and ensuring that the work is completed in accordance with the funding requirements, contract <br />documents, and project closeout, commissioning, and warranty phase. The consultant team will report <br />directly to the City's Construction Manager or his authorized representative. City staff may assist in <br />managing construction and will oversee the work of the Construction Manager, Inspector, and Contract <br />Administrator. <br />Memorial Park, dedicated in May 1950, is a 16.3-acre city park located in the central -south area of the City <br />of Santa Ana, surrounded by residential properties. The park was dedicated by former Governor Earl <br />Warren as a living memorial for future generations to honor "the heroic lives who carried the battle for <br />democracy". The park is currently comprised of four ballfields, concession/restroom building, basketball <br />courts, volleyball court, handball court, fitness equipment area, playground area, band shell and lawn areas, <br />walkway, lighting, and the City's largest municipal swimming pool. The park is an island configuration <br />surrounded by parking. <br />The community center and pool are both of the original 1956 installation and are a traditional "bath house" <br />type design. Existing facilities are very old and deteriorated; deferred maintenance and renovations are no <br />longer effective. The swimming pool shell and walls of the pool equipment room have cracked. In addition <br />to the building age and poor condition, the floor plan layout does not meet today's programming needs. <br />Much of the site hardscape is cracked and there are numerous drainage issues. Amenities that have been <br />added over the years did not follow a master plan, and their layouts do not efficiently utilize the site. This <br />Project will include the demolition and rebuilding of the aquatics facility (bath house, pool, pool equipment <br />building) with the following components: <br />Pool Facility components shall include at a minimum: <br />• New Aquatics Building, to include: <br />o Front Desk Area <br />o Multi -Purpose Room <br />o Training Room <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 24-041A <br />Page Al-1 <br />