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Item 28 - Memorial Park Aquatic Facility Project
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 28 - Memorial Park Aquatic Facility Project
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Last modified
5/30/2024 4:08:56 PM
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5/29/2024 6:09:42 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
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9. Shall review construction schedule, including activity sequences and duration, schedule of <br />submittals and schedule of delivery for products with long lead-time. Update the project schedule <br />as required showing current conditions and revisions required by actual progress. <br />10. Shall conduct comprehensive evaluation of change order requests, provide independent estimates, <br />render recommendations and assist in claim resolution. Shall regularly monitor and report on the <br />status of the Project Construction Budget on a monthly basis, indicating actual costs for completed <br />activities and work in progress, and indicating estimates for uncompleted work. Report should <br />identify variances between actual and budgeted or estimated costs, and shall advise the City <br />whenever it appears that the Actual Construction Cost has exceeded, or will exceed, the Project <br />Construction Budget for the entire Project or any Project Component. <br />11. Monitor the contractor's safety program. Take necessary steps to ensure the jobsite conditions are <br />in compliance with OSHA regulations. <br />12. Maintain cost accounting records on authorized work performed under unit costs and additional <br />work performed on the basis of actual costs of labor and materials, or other work requiring <br />accounting records. <br />13. May develop and implement procedures for the review and processing of applications by contractor <br />for progress and final payments. CM is responsible to review and approve monthly progress <br />payments, and make recommendations for certification to the City for payment. <br />14. Act as an advisor to the city throughout construction and commission of the project. Determine that <br />the work of contractor is being performed in accordance with the contract documents. Make <br />recommendations to the City regarding special inspection or testing of work not in compliance with <br />the provisions of the contract documents. Subject to review by the City, reject work which does not <br />conform to the requirements of contract documents. <br />15. The individuals, Construction Manager, Inspector and Contract Administrator, shall not be <br />responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures employed by <br />the contractor in the performance of the contract, and shall not be responsible for the failure of the <br />contractor to carry out work in accordance with the contract documents. However, any errors, <br />omissions, or discrepancies found in the Contract Documents shall be called to the attention of the <br />City's Construction Manager and clarified prior to construction starts. <br />16. Consult with the City when the contractor requests interpretations of the meaning and intent of the <br />drawings and specifications, and assist in achieving the resolution of problems, which may arise. <br />17. Record the progress of the project. Submit written daily and progress reports to the City. Keep daily <br />logs containing a record of weather, contractor's work on the site, number of workers and <br />equipment, work accomplished, problems encountered, and other relevant data. Make the log <br />available to the City. Prepare and send Weekly Statement of Working Days to the contractor. <br />Monitor contractor's compliance with labor code requirements. <br />18. Maintain, at the job site, records of contract documents including drawings, addenda, change <br />orders, and other modifications of plans and specifications marked to show all changes made during <br />construction. Maintain as -built records of underground utilities, including locations and depths of <br />trenches. At the completion of the project, deliver to the City all contract documents including as - <br />built records. <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 24-041A <br />Page Al-5 <br />
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