Ordinance NS-44 to the City of Santa Ana, 414.21 feet,
<br />more or less, to an angle point in said City boundary;
<br />thence South 89° 29' 40" West along said City boundary
<br />10.35 feet to an angle point in said City boundary; thence
<br />South 00° 43' 40" West along the Westerly line of said
<br />Southwest quarter and along said City boundary as established
<br />by the Stephen Griset Annex, NS-106, to the City of ~anta Ana,
<br />243.56 feet to an axle marking the Southwest corner of that
<br />certain parcel of land described in deed recorded in Book 51,
<br />Page 69, Deeds, Records of Los Angeles County, California,
<br />and to an angle point in said City boundary; thence North
<br />89° 39' 35" East along the South line of said land described
<br />in deed recorded in Book 51, Page 69, of Deeds, Records of
<br />Los Angeles County, California and along said City boundary
<br />879.66 feet, more or less, to an angle point in said City
<br />boundary; thence South 12° 20' 35" East along City boundary
<br />638.31 feet to an angle point in said City boundary; thence
<br />South 4° 11' 55" East along said City boundary 51.50 feet to
<br />an angle point in said City boundary; thence South 88° 57' 00"
<br />West along said City boundary 1019.52 feet to a point in the
<br />East line of the Kueffel and Fletcher Tract as shown on a
<br />map recorded in Book 19, Page 48, Miscellaneous Records of
<br />Los Angeles County, California, and to an angle point in
<br />said City boundary; thence South 00° 54' 20" East along the
<br />East line of said Kueffel and Fletcher Tract and along said
<br />City boundary 5.00 feet to the Southeast corner of the North
<br />100.00 acres of said Kueffel and Fletcher Tract and to an
<br />angle point in said City boundary; thence South 89° 00' 40"
<br />West along said City boundary 1107.61 feet to an angle point
<br />in said City boundary; thence South 00° 32' 30" West along
<br />said City boundary 1181.99 feet to an angle point in said
<br />City boundary; thence North 88° 48' 20" East along said City
<br />boundary, as established by the School and Park Annex Number 2,
<br />Ordinance NS-172, a distance of 485.34 feet, more or less, to
<br />an angle point in said City boundary; thence South 01° 00' 20"
<br />East along said City boundary as established by Ordinance NS-172
<br />and by Croddyland Annex Number 2, Ordinance NS-258, 1047.43 feet
<br />to a line parallel with and 20 feet Northerly, measured at
<br />right angles, from the center line of Warner Avenue (Delhi Road),
<br />and to an angle point in said City boundary; thence North
<br />87° 44' 45" East along said parallel line and along said City
<br />boundary as established by the South Santa Ana Annex Number 5,
<br />Ordinance NS-450, to the City of Santa Ana, 600 feet, more or
<br />less, to a point on the Northerly prolongation of the East
<br />line of Tract Nunuber 3679, as shown on a map thereof recorded
<br />in Book 132, Pages 4, 5 and 6 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of
<br />said Orange County, and to an angle point in said City boundary;
<br />thence North 01° 00' 10" West along said Northerly prolongation
<br />of the East line of said Tract Number 3679, and along said City
<br />boundary as established by the Delhi and Raitt - S.E. Annex,
<br />Ordinance NS-489, to the City of Santa Ana, 30 feet to an angle
<br />point in said City boundary; thence North 87° 44' 45" East,
<br />along said City boundary 158 feet, to the beginning of a tangent
<br />curve concave Northwesterly, having a radius of 950.00 feet;
<br />thence Northeasterly along said curve, and along said City
<br />boundary, through a central angle of 27° 27' 16" an arc
<br />distance of 455.21 feet to the beginning of a tangent reverse
<br />curve concave Southeasterly, having a radius of 1050.00 feet;
<br />thence Northeasterly along said reverse curve, and along said
<br />City boundary, an arc distance of 152 feet, more or less, to
<br />a point of intersection of said reverse curve with the Northerly
<br />extension of a line which is 203 feet Westerly, measured at
<br />
<br />-2-
<br />
<br />
<br />