right angles, from and parallel with the East line of Lot
<br />10 of the Williams' Tract, as shown on a map thereof re-
<br />corded in Book 30, Page 14 of Deeds, Records of Los Angeles
<br />County, California; thence South 01° 03' 20" East along
<br />last mentioned parallel line, and along said City boundary,
<br />1401 feet, more or less, to a point on the South line of
<br />said Lot 10, said point being 203 feet South 88° 45' 18"
<br />West from the Southeast corner of said Lot 10, and to an
<br />angle point in said City boundary; thence South 88° 45' 18"
<br />West along said South line of said Lot 10, and along said
<br />City boundary 1763.08 feet, more or less, to the Northwest
<br />corner of the East 45.86 acres of Lot 9 of said Williams'
<br />Tract, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 34, Page 4,
<br />Record of Surveys, in the Office of the County Recorder of
<br />said Orange County, thence South 01° 03' 20" East, departing
<br />from said City boundary, 1014.45 feet to the Southwest corner
<br />of said East 45.86 acres of Lot 9; thence South 00° 46' 10"
<br />East 771.60 feet, more or less, to a point on the North line
<br />of Lot 7 of the Williams' Tract and to said City boundary as
<br />established by the Segerstrom Annex Number 1, Ordinance NS-193,
<br />to the city of Santa Ana; said point on the North line of
<br />Lot 7 being 24.62 feet North 88° 53' 40" East from the North-
<br />west corner of said Segerstrom Annex Number 1; thence North
<br />88° 53' 40" East along said North line of Lot 7, and along
<br />said City boundary 1966.56 feet, more or less, to the North-
<br />east corner of said Lot 7, and to an angle point in said City
<br />boundary; thence North 01° 03' 20" West along the East line
<br />of Lots 8, 9, and 10 and the Northerly prolongation of the
<br />East line of Lot 10, of said Williams' Tract, and along said
<br />City boundary as established by the Delhi and Bristol - S.W.
<br />Annex, Ordinance NS-272, to the City of Santa Ana, 3099.53
<br />feet, more or less, to an angle point in said City boundary;
<br />thence North 53° 00' 49" East, along said City boundary
<br />186.48 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of the
<br />Delhi and Bristol - N.W. Annex as established by Ordinance
<br />NS-45 to the City of Santa Ana, said Southwest corner also
<br />being the Southwest corner of Tract Number 2207, as shown on
<br />a map thereof recorded in Book 62, Pages 23 and 24, Miscel-
<br />laneous Maps, Records of said Orange County and to a~ angle
<br />point in said City boundary; thence North 00° 10' 35" West
<br />along the West line of said Tract Number 2207 and along the
<br />West line of Tract Number 2208, as shown on a map thereof
<br />recorded in Book 64, Pages 23 and 24, Miscellaneous Maps,
<br />Records of said Orange County, and along said City boundary
<br />1990.85 feet to an angle point in said City boundary; thence
<br />North 4° 11' 55" West along the West line of said Tract
<br />Number 2208 and along said City boundary 55.29 feet to an
<br />angle point in said City boundary; thence North 12° 20' 35"
<br />West along the West line of said Tract Number 2208 and along
<br />said City boundary 634.38 feet to the Northwest corner of
<br />said Tract Number 2208 and to an angle point in said City
<br />boundary; thence North 89° 39' 35" East along the North line
<br />of said Tract Number 2208 and along said City boundary 222.88
<br />feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of Tract Number
<br />4163, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 146, Pages
<br />30, 31 and 32, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said Orange
<br />County, and to an angle point in said City boundary as estab-
<br />lished by the Edinger and Poplar - South Annex, Ordinance
<br />NS-384, to the City of Santa Ana; thence North 00° 45' 00"
<br />East along the West line and the Northerly prolongation of
<br />the West line of said Tract Number 4163 and along said City
<br />boundary 659.96 feet, more or less, to the South line of
<br />Lot 3, as shown on said Record of Survey, filed in Book 3,
<br />Page 29, and to an angle point in said City boundary; thence
<br />
<br />-3-
<br />
<br />
<br />