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Location of Off-site Signs <br /> <br />Such off-site signs may be constructed on any vacant property <br />in any zone, except the R 4, P, LP, CD, PD, and LM. No such <br />sign shall be constructed closer to any street right of way <br />line than ten ~.10) feet. <br /> <br />3. ~emporary Nature of Off-site Signs. <br /> <br />Ail such for sale or lease signs shall be permitted on a temporary <br />basis for a period not to exceed one (1) year. The Zoning <br />Administrator may extend such one (1) year period for additional <br />and successive periods of six (6) months each; provided, however, <br />that if the initial sale of all units or lots in said contiguous <br />grouping is completed during any of the aforementioned permitted <br />time periods, all such temporary signs shall be removed. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Sign Permit Fee and Cash Bond Requirements. <br />Every person constructing any such sign or signs initially <br />offering for sale or lease more than one unit or lot in a single <br />or contiguous grouping shall deposit with the Building <br />Department of the City of Santa Ana the sum of Two Hundred <br />Dollars ($200) cash bond for each and every such sign so located <br />as security to insure the removal of all such signs so erected. <br />Before any permit for any such sign is issued, the applicant <br />shall furnish the Building Department written authority granting <br />the City of Santa Ana, or any of its agents or employees, per- <br />mission to enter upon the premises to remove such sign; said <br />authorization must be signed by the owners of record of the <br />premises and by the persons proposing to locate the sign. Cost <br />of removal of sign shall be deducted from cash bond. <br /> <br />Sec. 41-619.6. Temporary On-Site For Sale or For Lease Signs <br /> Placed on Parcels of Land of One Acre or More <br /> and One Half Acre or More. <br /> <br /> Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, except <br />Section 41-619.?~ and regardless of the zone in which such land is <br />located, there may be placed on any parcel of land comprising an <br />area of one acre or more, one (1) double-faced temporary sign <br />advertising such property for sale or for lease for each portion of <br />the real property having separate street or highway frontage, each <br />of which signs shall not exceed in area fifty (50) square feet and <br />the maximum lineal footage of any single dimension of which sign <br />shall be ten (10) feet, and provided that no more than four (4) <br />such signs shall be permitted on each real property. Provided, <br />however, that if not more than one such sign is placed on a parcel <br />of land comprising an area of one acre or more, such single sign be <br />permitted to have a maximum of one hundred (100) square feet and <br />the maximum dimensions may be permitted to be 10 feet by 10 feet. <br /> If any parcel of land comprises an area of less than one acre, <br />but more than one-half acre, the foregoing sign requirements for <br />signs advertising such property for sale or lease shall apply <br />provided that no one sign shall exceed in area twenty-five (25) square <br />feet and the maximum lineal footage of any single dimension of such <br />sign shall be five (5) feet. <br /> <br />-10- <br /> <br /> <br />