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Sec. 41-619.7. Advertising Siqns Adjacent to Freeways <br /> Advertising signs shall be permitted within five hundred (500) <br />feet of a freeway and may be designed to be viewed from the main <br />traveled roadway only if they conform to the following conditions: <br /> <br /> 1. On-premise Advertising Siqns <br /> Each parcel or integrated commercial complex shall be allowed <br /> one (1) freestanding, roof, fin, wall sign, or combination <br /> sign in accordance with the following standards: <br /> (a) One (1) freestanding roof, fin, wall sign, or combination <br /> sign for each integrated development, as defined under <br /> Section 41-619.2 of this Code, or one (1) sign for each <br /> separately owned parcel if the development is not <br /> integrated. <br /> (b) The area of a freestanding, roof, fin, wall sign, or <br /> combination sign shall not exceed one (1) square foot <br /> for each lineal foot of freeway frontage. The maximum <br /> allowable area for any one sign shall be two hundred <br /> fifty (250) square feet. <br /> (c) Signs shall be limited to a height of thirty-five (35) <br /> feet. <br /> <br />Off-premise Advertising Signs. <br />Off-premise advertising signs shall not be permitted within <br />five hundred (500) feet of a freeway if they may be primarily <br />viewed from a freeway. Off-premise advertising signs shall <br />not be permitted within one thousand (1,000) feet of a free- <br />way if they are located in such a manner as to be viewed <br />primarily from a main traveled roadway of a freeway. <br /> <br />Sec. 41-619.8. Parking Lot Siqns. <br /> One (1) "Exit" or "Entrance" sign shall be permitted at each <br />driveway entering or leaving the premises in any District. Such <br />signs shall not exceed three (3) square feet in area nor be more <br />than four (4) feet in height. <br /> <br />Sec. 41-619.9. Temporary Display of Flags, Banners, and Other <br /> Devices for Advertising Purposes ; Window Siqns <br /> <br /> Display of flags, banners, and butcher paper type window signs <br />shall be permitted in the C and M Districts (excluding the CR and <br />LM Districts) for a period of days not to exceed a total of thirty <br />(30) successive days in any given six (6) month period. Nothing <br />herein shall permit temporary "A" frame or similar signs in the <br />landscaped or parking areas or the use of a motor vehicle, trailer, <br />or similar advertising device in any landscaped or parking area. <br />Nothing herein shall prohibit the display of the American and/or <br />Californian flags for non-advertising purposes. Butcher paper type <br />signs shall not be permitted on the exterior of any building, <br />structure, fence or wall in any district. <br /> <br /> Political or campaign signs not in connection with the use of the <br />property shall be permitted in any district subject to the following <br />conditions: <br />1. Sign shall be permitted for a period of sixty (60) days <br />prior to the election in which the item will appear on the ballot. <br /> 2. Sign shall be removed within thirty (30) days after election <br />in which the item appeared on the ballot. <br /> <br />-11- <br /> <br /> <br />