In Re
<br />Presentation
<br />of trophy
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />J.O.S.
<br />Minutes'
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Communication
<br />Metro.Water Dist.
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Resolutinna -
<br />Circulating unit
<br />for digester
<br />J.O.S.
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Resolution author.
<br />award of contract
<br />Ecebig & Eoebig
<br /> (J .O.Sewer)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Appointment
<br />L.R.Quick
<br />(Traffic Safety
<br />Commission)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Communication
<br />City Engineer -
<br />17th St. Railroad
<br />Crossing
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Request
<br />Geo. Menges
<br />(loading &
<br />unloading zones)
<br />
<br />252 to be used for all uses allowed in the C-1 District except fo~
<br />
<br />a garage or automobile body and fender shop.
<br />#
<br />
<br />A1 Macres, member of the Santa Aha Civic Beautification Committee
<br />on behalf of t~e Associated Chamber of Commerce, presented a
<br />trophy for oUtstanding contribution for Orange County bea~ttficat
<br />
<br />to Mayor Nau~y~who accepted the trophy on behalf of the City.
<br />#
<br />On motion of Trustee Reed, seconded by Chandler and carried, the
<br />Minutes cf t~e Executive Board of Joint 0utfall Sewer Meeting
<br />
<br />held at A~a~etm, May 4, 1950, were received, approved and filed.
<br />#
<br />Communication was read from Metropolitan Water District reaffirml:
<br />its policy of keeping Lake Mathews closed to fishing, hunting and
<br />other recreational uses, and on motion of Trustee Reed, seconded
<br />
<br />by Ch-ndler and carried, communication was received and filed.
<br />#
<br />
<br />On motion of Tx,Astee Reed, seconde~ by Chandler and carried,
<br />Resolutions from Ar~heim, La Habra Sanitary District, Orange,
<br />Fullerton, Garden Grove Sanitary District and Buena Park Sanitary
<br />District, authorizing the City of Santa Aha, as contracting city,
<br />to make and award a contract for designing of a new circulating
<br />unit for digester number one and digester number three in the
<br />present sewage disposal plant number one, and to award a contract
<br />for the construction thereof, were tabled until all Resolutions
<br />
<br />are received.
<br />#
<br />
<br />On motion of Trustee Reed, seoonded by Chandler and carried,
<br />Resolution No. 9?8 from City of Orange, authorizing award cf
<br />contract to Xceblg and Xoebig for engineering services in
<br />designing a digester unit, at site of the present sewage treatmenl
<br />
<br />plant, was received and filed.
<br />#
<br />On recommendation of the Traffic Safety Commission and on motion
<br />cf Trustee Martin, seconded by Reed and carried, L.R. quick was
<br />appointed as a member cf the Traffic Safety Commission, for a
<br />
<br />four yea~ ter~.
<br />#
<br />Communication was read from City Engineer, together with copy of
<br />letter from Chief Engineer, Santa Fe Railroad regarding the insta~
<br />ation cf signals at railroad crossing at 17th Street. 'It was
<br />moved by Trustee Chandler, seconded by Cheney and carried, that
<br />the City participate in the cost to install flashing light signal!
<br />at l?th Street crossing, not to exceed 50%, or the amount of
<br />
<br />$3062.00, if the money is not available from the gas tax fund.
<br />#
<br />
<br />CommmnicatiOn~ was read from Harvey, Rimel and Johnston, on behalf
<br />of Mr. and Mrs. George Menges, owners of building located at the
<br />southeast corner cf Fourth and Main Streets, requesting that
<br />loading and unloading zones be established at the Main Street
<br />entrance of building for use of Alpert's Yardstick Store. On
<br />motion cf Trustee Reed, seconded by Martin and carried, request
<br />was referred to committee for investigation and to report back.
<br />
<br />Trustee Cheney and City Engineer, were appointed, as committee.
<br />#
<br />
<br />9n
<br />
<br />g
<br />
<br />
<br />