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RESOLUTI~iG OVERRULI~iG P ROT~.~TS <br /> <br /> NO. 950. <br /> <br /> Whereas~ the Board of Tr~tees cf the city of Santa <br />Aha on the 15th day of January, 192Z, passed its <br />Resolution of Intention Ho. 914 to order work to be done <br />and improvement to be made in the c~ty of Santa Aha <br /> <br /> All cf which work and improvement is briefly <br />described in said reanimation of !r~tention and hereby <br />specifically referred to for all further yartic~,lars. <br /> <br /> ~hereas, certain owners of prop. arty liab]e to be <br />assessed for sa~d work and improvement made wrStten <br />protests or object~ons in writing and delivered t~e same <br />to the Clerk not later than the hour set for hearing said <br />protests ard objections, prot(stlng aga%st the pro~osed <br />work aod also against the extent of t?'e distr~ct, and the <br />Board of Trustees of the city of Santa Aha at the time <br />and place in said Resolution of lnte~tion set forth, <br />of which time and pl~ce notice was duly given, proceeded <br />to hear and pass upon ali. protests so made; and each and <br />all of sa~d protests and objecti~ns ha,dng been heard and <br />duly co~sidered, and the Board of Trustees find tl~t the <br />¥.rotests and objeot~ns are not made by the owners of <br /> <br /> <br />