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Whereas, the ~treet Superintendent of the city of <br /> <br />Sma ts Ana commenced to post the said notices on the 23rd <br />day of January, 1923, and fully completed the posting <br />thereof on said 23rd day of January, 1923, more than ten <br />days before the day set for hearing pratests or obJect~ons <br />to the proposed work and improvement, all as appears by the~ <br />affidavit of Edw. W. Dahl, Street Superintendent of the cit~y <br />of Sm ta Aha, filed iu the office of the Clerk of said city <br />on the 25th day of January, 1923, and now on file therein, <br />and <br /> <br /> Whereas, the Board of Trustees of the city of Santa <br />Aha was duly in regular session at the council chamber <br />thereof in the City Hall, at the hour af V:30 o'clock p.m. <br />of Monday, the 5th day of February, 1923, being the day, <br />hour and place notice of which was contained in the Reso- <br />lution of Intention and Notice o2 Improvement, when and <br />where any and all persona having any objections to the <br />proposed work or improvement might appear befoPe the Board <br />of Trustees and show ca,se why said proposed improvement <br />should not be carried out in accordance with said Resolu- <br />tion of Intention; <br /> <br /> Whereas, certain owners of property liable to be <br />assessed for the work nde and de~IVered to the Clerk of <br />the city of Santa Ana written protests or objections <br />against the proposed work and against the extent of the <br />district to be assemsed, and the Board of Trustees, at the <br />time and place in said Resolution of Intention and Notice <br />specified, proceeded to hear each and all of the protests <br />and objections made, and finally pass upon each and all of <br />the protests or objections made; the cost of the work is to <br />be assessed upon property within a district, and the Board <br />of Trustees find that the protests or objections against <br />the proposed work is signed by the owners of less than <br />one-half of the area of the property to be assessed for <br />said improvement; <br /> <br /> Each and all of the protests or objections against <br />the proposed work and against the extent of the district <br />were overruled and denied, and no owner of property whose <br />property is to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses <br />of the proposed improvement or other person having appeared' <br />before the Board of Trustees to object or did object to the <br />proposed change or modification of grade on a part of Bush <br />Street and on West Twentieth Street, the Board of Trustees <br />of the city of Santa Ana having now acquired Jurisdiction <br />to order the proposed improvement: <br /> <br /> It is hereby P~solved, that the public interest and <br />convenience requires the work hereinafter described and <br /> <br /> <br />