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352 <br /> <br /> druggists holding valid permits tc do so but for medical <br /> <br /> purposes only and then upon a prescription issue2, signed and <br /> <br />dated by a physician. Fvery ~uch proscription sh~ll Dc i~e~cd <br />by the physician and filled by the druggist in conformity with I <br />and by m~thority of the law of the United ~tate~. provided that <br />kn addition to al~ other reooirements of law the n~me of the <br />person applying for t~e prescription and the n~me and address <br />of the person for whose use the prescription is mods sh~l] De in- <br />serted therein ~y the vhysici~n issuing the same at th~ time the <br />prescription is made or given, an~ that not more thsn one sale <br />or furnish~n~ i~ made upon ouch prescription, and provided further <br />that nc greater qoantity of spiritous, vinoos or malt liquor <br />shall be furnished or sold on any one prescription than is per- <br />mitted by the law of the United States cf America then in force, <br />and also provided that all such prescriptions are kept or filed <br />at the place of ousiness of s~id druggist and open to.znsp~ction <br />by the marshal] of the city of Santa Aha and ~is deputies, and -~ <br />provided further that said druggist shall pass upon or securely <br />fasten to the container holding such liquor, a legibly written <br />or printed statement cf the prescription on which such liqoor <br />was ~urr~i~hed. It shall ~e unlawful for any persor, to remove <br />said statement of said yresc~iption from said container until <br />all of the liquor has Peen removed therefrom; and it shall be <br />un~awful to empty all, or part of said liquor from said container <br />uoti] it ha~ been delivered to the address mentioned in said pre- <br />scription, or to use said liqoor for any other purpose other than <br />the medicinal purpose for which it was furnished. <br /> <br /> f; The sale and delivery by any person holding a valid <br />permit to do so, of ethyl alcohol t~ manufacturers of toilet <br /> <br />medicinel, antiseptic, c~]inzry, or other non Oevera~e pre- <br />p~vaticns, or to the superintendent or authorized officer of a l <br />hospital, museum, or ~boratory, or ~ny art, educational or pub <br />lid institution, provided such manufacturer, superintendent, or <br />other person, has a valid permit to receive and possess suah <br />alcohol. <br /> <br /> ~. The msnufscture P~nd sal~ of such prepr~tions as ~lavor- <br />lng extracts, s~ences, tinctures and perfumes which do not con- <br />tain more alcohol than is necessary for legitimate purposes of ex- <br />traction, solution or preservation; and all remedies which do not <br />contain more alcohol than is necessary for extraction, solution <br />or preservation, and ~hich dc contain drugs in sufficient quan- <br /> <br />t~ties to medicate the compound, ~rovided <br />aforesaid preparations are man~factured in <br />they shall be m~nufactured only by per~ons <br /> <br />tha~ when any of the <br />the Cit~ of ~snt~ Aris, <br />holding valid per- <br /> <br />mits to keep alcohol for non-Oeverzge purposes, and such pre- <br />parations, whether made in the City of Santa Aha or imported, <br />shall be sold only for lawful pur~oses a~]d not as ~eVerages; pro- <br />vided, further, that any person who shall knowingly sell any <br />liquor, compoun,~, flavoring extract, w~ether medicated, proprietary <br />patented cr noS, ~y whatever n~me c~lled,?oDta{n~ng one-half of one <br /> <br /> <br />