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ORDINANCE NO. V~I. <br /> <br /> An Ordinance providing for the appointment of a <br />Plumbing Inspector, defining his duties and fixing his com- <br />pensation; regulating the method of constructing plumbing <br />work, house drainage and gas fitting, providing for the in- <br />spection thereof and the issuance of permits therefor, in <br />the City of Santa Ana, California. <br /> <br /> The Board of Trustees of the City of Santa Ana do <br /> ordain as follows: <br /> <br /> Section 1 - The Board of Trustees sh~ll appoint a <br />Plumbing Inspector for the c~ty of Santa Aha, who shall <br />have passed the examination hereinafter provided for <br />jourue~.en and master plumbers and who shall hold off~ce <br />dur!r~g tbs ~le~sure of the sa~d Board, and said Plumbing <br />Insnector shall receive ss compensation for his services a <br />sum to be determ'ned by the Board of Trustees. <br /> <br /> Section 2 - DUTY OF INSPECTOR. It shall be the <br /> <br />duty of said Plumbing Inspector to furnish to each and <br />every person, firm, company or dorporation, contemplating <br />the construction of any plumbing, house drainage, or gas <br />fitting within the limits of the said City, a r. ermit for '-~ <br />such work, upon the ter~s and condition hereinafter s et <br />forth; it shall also be his duty to inspect such work, in <br />the manner hereinafter provided. <br /> <br /> SECTION Z - LICENSE. Any person, firm, company or <br />corporation, car~i~g on the business of plumbing, house <br />drainage, or gas .fitting, affecti~g tbs sauitar~ c~rd~t!on <br />of any house ~r bu~]~ ~g situated w~thi~ the limits of the <br />City of Ssnta Aha, shall first obta~.r a license therefor, <br />from the city clerk of said city, a~d shall pay therefor <br />the sum of One Hundred (~.100.00) Dollars per annum, payable <br />annually in advance,, and no ?~ch person, firm, company <br />or corporation, shall en~age in the bus,ness or work of <br />plumbing or gas fitting in the said City without procuring <br />such a license from the City Clerk; ~rovid.~d, however, <br />that any person may lay and construct a drain from the soll <br />pipe to the public sewer under the terms a~d permits otber- <br />~Is~ provided for. <br /> <br /> ShCTION ~ - BOND. Every master plumber, before he <br />is granted a license, shall give a bond to the city of Santa <br />Aha, i~ the sum of Two ~ousa'~d ~12,000.00) Dollars, <br />two g~od and sufficient sureties, for t?e faithful dis- <br />charge of his duties ss master plumber, to secure any person <br />orderin~ work done by him against damage, by re~on of faulty <br />workmanship, which sureties shall qualify that they are <br />worth sa~d sum in property over and above ail liabilities <br /> <br /> <br />