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208 <br /> <br /> Beginning at the point of intersection of the North <br />line of ~est ~ashington ~,venue with the Northerly extended <br />center llne of North Sycamore Street; thence ~esterly along <br />the North line of West W~shlngton Avenue a distance of 152 <br />feet; thence Northerly in a straight llne to an intersection <br />with the South llne of West Fifteenth Street at ~ point 152 <br />feet Westerly from the center l~ne of North ~ycamore Street; <br />thence Easterly alon~ the bouth tine of ~,est Pifteenth Street <br />across North S~c~mor~ Street to a point 157 feet E~sterly from <br />the center line of l~orth Sycamore ~ · <br /> ~treet, thence boutherly in <br />~ straight line to ~n intersection with the North line of West <br />W~shington Avenue at a ~oint 18V feet EasterlyNfrom the said <br />point of beginning; thence Westerly ~lonF the orth line of <br />West Nashington Avenue lSV feet to the point of beginning. <br /> <br />A map, aD, roved by the Board of Trustees of the <br /> <br />City of ~anta ~ona, ~s the City CounCil thereof, on the 21st <br /> <br />day of August, 1923, by Resolution No. 1065, indicating by a <br /> <br />boundsry line shown on said map in green tint, the extent of <br /> <br />the territory to be included in said assessment district, and <br /> <br />showing the land necessary to be taken in blue tint, is here- <br /> <br />by specifically referred to. It is ordered that said map be <br /> <br />filed in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Santa <br /> <br />An~, and be on file therein, before the ~uperintendent of <br /> <br />Streets of ~enta Are shall proceed with the publication and <br /> <br />Dostln~ of the notices of public work, as hereinafter direc- <br /> <br />ted, ~nd said map shall govern for sll details es to the ex- <br /> <br />tent of the l~nd to be t~ken ,nd <br />trtct. <br /> <br /> Section 4. The btreet <br /> <br />of the s~id assessment dis- <br /> <br />Uuperlntendent shall c~use <br /> <br />to be conspicuously posted along all streets and parts of <br />streets within the ~ssessment district, ~t not more than <br />three hundred (~00) feet in distance ~part, but not less <br />than three in all, notices of the nassage of this ordinance; <br />e~ch said notice sh~l] be headed NOTICE OF PUBLIC WORK iu <br />letters not less than one inch in, sh~ll be in legi- <br />ble characters, ~nd shall state the fact and d~te of passage <br />of this ordinance, briefly describe the propoeed improvement <br />and~efer to this ordinance of intention, for ~ description of <br />the ~ssessment district ~nd for further particulars. He <br />shall ~lso c~use ~ notice similar in substance to be pub- <br />]ished by five insertions in the S~nta An~ Daily Evenln~ <br />ister, ~ d~ily newspaper published ~nd circulated in the City <br />of Santa ~,ns and hereby designsted for that purnose. <br /> <br /> The Clerk of the City of Sants Ans sh~]l, immedi- <br />ately upon the publication of the Notice required by this <br />tion, m~ll, post~ge prepaid, to each property owner in the <br />assessment district, at his last known address as the same <br />appears upon the ta% rolls of the City of S~nta Ana, and <br />where no address so ar[.e~rs then to the General Delivery at <br />Santa ~na, ~llfornia, a postal card containing the notice <br />which shall be substantially in the following ~ rm: <br /> <br /> "You ~re hereby notified that on the d~y of <br /> October, 192~, the legislative body o--~e City <br /> of Santa Ara, C~lifornia, by virtue of the Street <br /> opening Act of 1903, and amefidments thereto, <br /> passed an ordinance of intention No. for <br /> <br /> <br />
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