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Section 2: That Section 5 of said Ordinance Number 1089 <br /> <br /> is hereby amended to read aefollows: <br /> <br /> 'Section ~: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm <br /> or corporation to sell, offer for sale, store, display, or <br /> discharge any fireworks of any type in any public oil or gaso- <br /> line station, or on any premises where gasoline or other in- <br /> flammable liquids are stored or dispensed, or to sell, offer <br /> for sale, store, display, or discharge, any firewor~s of any <br /> type in any permanent building or structure or within fifteen <br /> (15) feet of the same. Safe and sane fireworks may be dis- <br /> pensed, sold or offered for sale from a temporary stand, struc- <br /> ture, or place and shall be stored, housed, or protected from <br /> fire hazard or handling by chicken wire, boards, glass or other <br /> suitable material under such conditions and at such a time as <br /> may be approved by the Fire 0bier of the 01fy of Santa Ans. It <br /> shall be unlawful to sell, offer for sale, store, display or <br /> discharge, any fire works of any type in Fire District Number <br /> One.~ <br /> <br /> Section ~= The City Olerk shall certify to the passage and <br />adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published <br />by three insertions in the Santa Aha Independent, & weekly newspaper <br />printed, published and circulated in the City of Santa Aaa, and <br />hereby designated for that purpose. <br /> <br /> The City 0ouncil hereby declares that this Ordinance is neces- <br />sary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and <br />safety, in that the greatest danger to public health and property <br />from fireworks occurs Immediately before and after the celebration <br />of the Sth day of ~uly, as Independence Day, therefore this Ordinance <br />should be in force and effect immediately. The City ¢~uncil, there- <br />fore, declares that this Ordinance is adopted as an emergency measure <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br /> <br />