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ORDINANCE NO. 1302 <br />0RD~NANCE A2~NDIi~G ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 1074 <br /> <br /> ~EREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Santa Ana <br /> has given notice of public hearings as recuired by law in connec- <br /> tion with an application to amend the Zoning Ordinance to cover the <br /> properties herein described, and has duly held two public hearings <br /> upon the question of such amendment, and thereafter by ~esolution <br /> Number 324 recommended such amendment to the City Council for <br /> adoption; and <br /> <br /> ~EREAS, the City Council gave due and regular notice of a <br /> public hearing before said body and such public hearing has been <br /> duly and regularly held, and the City Council does now find that <br /> public necessity and convenience and general welfare require the <br /> following amendment and change in the present classification of <br /> certain property hereinafter described and that the proposed uses <br /> under the proposed new classification will not be detrimental to <br /> the surrounding property. <br /> <br /> NOW, T~REFORE, Tr~ COUNCIL OF ~HE CITY OF S~TA ANA DOES <br /> ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br /> Oection l: That Sheet No. 27 of the ~istricting ~ap of the <br />City of Santa ~na of Ordinance No. 107~ be amended to reclassify as <br />M~l ~nu~acDuring District, all that property now classified as R-2 <br />Residence District which said property is described as follows: <br /> <br /> Lots ll to 18, inclusive, all in Block "B" of Tract <br /> No. 633, said lots being located on the south side of <br /> Sixth ~treet and west of Hawley otreet. <br /> <br /> That said Districting I~ap so amended be attached hereto <br /> <br /> and is hereby adopted and made a part hereof. <br /> <br /> ~e~tion 2: Tae City Olerk s~all certify to the passage of <br /> this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published in three <br /> consecutive issues of the Santa Aha ~ndependent, a newspaper printed, <br /> published, and circulated in the City of Oanta ~na, and hereby <br /> <br /> <br />