<br />
<br />~In Re
<br /> Resol. No. 52-25
<br /> Directing St. Supt.
<br /> to post notices to
<br /> destroy weeds
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Civil Serv. Bd.
<br />Minutes and
<br />Put.Agent report
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Leases
<br />Co.Agricultural Comm.;
<br />Supt. of Schools and
<br />County Library
<br />
<br /> In Re
<br />!Rights-of-way
<br />Widening So. Main St.
<br />(John H. Bower crux)
<br />
<br />lin Re
<br />Requests
<br /> Grimes Elec. Co.;
<br />, &
<br />:A..A.Curtain Cleaners
<br />!and Santa Ana City
<br />!Schools - loading and
<br />i20-min zones.
<br />
<br />iIn Re
<br />iRequest
<br />ilst Natl. Bank
<br />(Street light)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Resignation
<br />E.M.Sundquist
<br /> (Library Board)
<br />
<br />:In Re
<br />iCommunication
<br />City Judge
<br />i(trash and garbage
<br />~contract)
<br />
<br />lin Re
<br />Renewal Agreement
<br />]~.A.City Mmpi.Assoc.
<br />
<br />On motion of Trustee Dahl, seconded by McBride and carried, the follo~
<br />
<br />ing Resolution entitled;
<br />
<br />"A Resolution of the City Council of the City of
<br />Santa Ana determining and declaring that weeds
<br />which bear seeds of a wlngy or downy nature and
<br />attain such a large growth as to become a fire
<br />menace when dry, and which are noxious and
<br />dangerous, are growing upon certain streets,
<br />sidewalks, and private property in said City of
<br />Santa Aha, and are a public nuisance; directing
<br />the Street Superintendent to post notices to
<br />destroy said weeds as required by law; fixing
<br />the time for hearing objections and protests,
<br />and directing the abatement thereof in accord-
<br />ance withChapter 13, Part 2, Division 3, Title
<br />4 of the Government Code of the State of
<br />California"
<br />
<br />was read, considered, designated Resolution No. 52-25 and passed by
<br />
<br />the following vote:
<br />
<br />Ayes, Trustees William Jerome, J.L.McBride,
<br /> Orson H. Hunter, Milford W. Dahl,
<br /> Courtney R. Chandler.
<br />Noes, Trustees None
<br />Absent, Trustees None
<br />
<br /> seconded by Jerome and carried,
<br />
<br />On motion of Trustee McBride,
<br />
<br />Minutes
<br />
<br /> the
<br />of the Civil Service Board meeting held Feb. 13, 1952 and
<br />
<br />statement from the Purchasing ~gent showing receipts, disbursements,
<br />
<br />and fund balances as of February 29, 1952, were referred to the Financ~
<br />Committee. I
<br />On motion of Trustee Dahl, seconded by Jerome and carried, proper
<br />officials were authorized to execute leases between the City and County
<br />Agricultural Commissioner, Superintendent of Schools and County
<br />
<br />Library, for rental of rooms at the Community Center.
<br />,,
<br />On motion of Trustee Hunter, seconded by McBride and carried,
<br />
<br />proper
<br />
<br />official was authorized to execute escrow instructions with John H.
<br />
<br />and Ethel E. Bower for right-of-way in connection with the widening
<br />South Main Stre,t, in the sum of $1165.00.
<br />
<br />Requests were read from Grimes Electric Company, 1241 South Main St.
<br />
<br />for twenty-minute zones and a loading zone; A.&.A. Curtain Cleaners,
<br /> for a twenty-minute zone,
<br />2019 North Main St.~and Santa Aha City Schools for additional loading
<br />
<br />zones at Muir, Logan and Edison Schools. On motion of Trustee
<br />
<br />Hunter, seconded by McBride and carried, the requests were deferred
<br />
<br />until report is received from the appointed committee.
<br />
<br />On motion of Trustee Hunter, seconded by McBride and carried,
<br />
<br />the
<br />
<br />request of the First National Bank for the installation of a light
<br />
<br />at or near the east end of the alley on North Main Street, Was g~anted
<br />On motion of Trustee McBride, seconded by Jerome and carried, the
<br />resignation of E.M.Sundquist, as a member of the Library Board, was
<br />referred to Trustee Dahl for recommendation.
<br />
<br />Communication was read from City Judge Crookshank advising that the
<br />Supreme Court on March 13, 1952 declared the contract between the Cityl
<br />and David and Paul M. Johnson for the collection of garbage and trash
<br />as valid, and on motion of Trustee McBride, seconded by Hunter and
<br />carried, the communication was received and filed.
<br />
<br />On motion of Trustee Jerome, seconded by Dahl and carried, the request
<br />of Santa Aha City Employees Association for renewal of Bowl Concession
<br />
<br />
<br />