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7 <br />L <br />Cost Proposal <br />ROLES FOR THE SERVICE PROVIDED: <br />Construction Management, Cost Estimating, including Value <br />Engineering, Life Cycle Cost, Coordination - Bernards <br />Civil Engineering and Surveying - IMEG <br />Structural Engineering - KPFF <br />Landscape Architecture - Terrain Integration <br />Electrical Engineering, - MEP Cal <br />CEQA/Historical Assessment - ECORP <br />Structured Cabling & Visual Surveillance Systems - SFMI <br />Environmental Graphics -Group 4 <br />Gootechnical Consulting Services- Ninyo & Moore <br />Hazardous Material survey of the State Building and Plaza as well as <br />abatement plans- Ninyo & Moore <br />I. SERVICES PROVIDED: <br />PHASE l --SURVEY, CEQA, HISTORICAL, ASCE 41 STRUCTURAL <br />EVALUATION, SCOPING <br />1.1 Construction Management Services <br />Construction manager will manage and supervise its Consultants <br />including the processing of plans and specifications. <br />Construction manager will advertise and administer the competitive <br />bidding process including the development of the Guaranteed Maximum <br />Price for the cost of the work. In addition, it will provide cost estimates to <br />ensure the project and value engineering to ensure the project is within <br />its budget. <br />1.2 Survey <br />1 1.1. Survey. Consultant shall prepare a topographic and boundary survey <br />that will extend approximately 30' from the Limit of Work and will show <br />perimeter of adjacent structures and spot elevations of building entries at <br />grade and at plaza level. The Consultant shall use an underground utility <br />locating to locate as many other sub -surface utilities as is passible within <br />the limits of the technology. <br />1.3 CEQA Services <br />The Consultant will prepare California Environmental Quatity Act (CEQA) <br />documentation for the Project, including a historical analysis of the site/ <br />building and provide a report stating the historical significance of the <br />building. <br />RFQ NC.: 24-032 I State Building Demolition Project <br />