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EXHIBIT A: <br /> STATEMENT OF WORK <br /> Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Procurement Project Completion <br /> The City contracted with SDI Presence LLC to assist the City with the procurement of a replacement ERP <br /> system.The project launched in 2023 pursuant to City Agreement 112022-232,which expired on June 30, <br /> 2024, <br /> Currently,the ERP procurement project is in Phase 4—Select.Tasks 4.1 through 4.5 have been completed, <br /> with Tasks 4,6 through 4.8, along with Phase 5— Negotiate, remaining to be completed. This Statement <br /> of Work(SOW) provides the remaining tasks to be performed to complete the ERP procurement project, <br /> and the associated level of effort and cost to complete the work. <br /> Phase 4 - Select <br /> The process for selecting a suitable, best fit ERP solution vendor requires the City to follow a structured <br /> methodology. The goal of this phase is to ensure that the vendor that is the "best fit" for the City is <br /> selected, Up to this point in the project,the City will have invested heavily in establishing the foundation <br /> upon which a best fit selection will be made.The tasks in this phase are focused on ensuring a careful and <br /> detailed review of information provided in response to the RFP are conducted, as well as independent <br /> research,validation, and verification of content. <br /> PHASES TASKS DELIVERABLES <br /> 4.1--Address Vendor Questions <br /> 4.2—Prepare Evaluation Committee • Vendor Question Responses <br /> PHASE 4 4.3—con[fuct initial Screening of Proposals • Evaluation Scoring Methodology and Matrix Template <br /> 4.4—Assist with Review and Scoring of Proposals • Evaluation Scoring Matrix Sununary <br /> SELECT 4.5—Prepare for Proof of capabilities(POC) • POc Session Agenda and scripts <br /> 4.6—Facilitate POC Sessions • Vendor Selection Report <br /> 4.7—Assist with Due Diligence <br /> 4.8—Prepare Vendor Selection Report <br /> Task 4.1-Address Vendor Questions <br /> TASK DESCRIPTION: Release of a clear and well-structured RFP will dramatically reduce the number of <br /> vendor questions. However,due to the complex nature of ERP procurements,the City should anticipate <br /> that vendors will submit questions that must be addressed to ensure quality proposals are received. In <br /> this task,SDI will assist the City In responding to vendor questions. <br /> DELIVERABLE:Vendor Question Responses COMPLETE <br /> Task 4.2—Prepare Evaluation Committee <br /> TASK DESCRIPTION: SDI will work with the City to identify the evaluation team and prepare an <br /> evaluator's packet that includes clear descriptions and direction of the evaluation methodology. The <br /> packet will also Include a scoring template to assist the evaluator in tabulating their results. <br /> DELIVERABLE: Evaluation Scoring Methodology and Matrix Template COMPLETE <br />