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2002-2003 EMERGENCY SHL, .'ER GRANT PROGRAM <br />APPLICATION FOR SUBRECIPIENT PROPOSALS <br />mha Mental Health Association of Orange County <br />Page 7a <br />' Objective number two will build capacity within the existing provider system to contend with <br />the special needs of the homeless mentally 111, and help to overcome their reluctance to offer <br />services to this population. It will help to increase access to County services for the target <br />population by helping to identify and remove barriers to service. Working with the police <br />Department and neighborhood associations will help to Increase their level of knowledge about <br />the special needs of the target population and increase their awareness with respect to <br />available services in the community, <br />P :5 1p c-:7V7-s <br />� 2�z <br />