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Related Bristol Specific Plan Entitlements & Development Agreement (3600 S. Bristol St.) <br />and Staff Resolution Modifying Parking Districts in the Surrounding Area <br />October 1, 2024 <br />Page 27 <br />phone number and email to the case planner. As of the date of the publication of this <br />report, over three -dozen individuals had contacted the City directly to obtain additional <br />information about the project. <br />Lastly, City staff have made themselves available on a regular basis to answer the <br />community's questions about the proposed development through in -person meetings. <br />Community members who contacted staff to learn more about the project were invited <br />meet with staff to learn how to understand the draft environmental documents and the <br />draft Specific Plan, and to answer broader questions about the General Plan Update <br />and its environmental documentation. These individuals were also added to the City's <br />notification list for the project. <br />Mandatory Notification Measures <br />Project notifications were posted, published, and mailed in accordance with City and <br />State regulations. Copies of the public notice, including a 2,000-foot notification radius <br />map, and the site posting are provided in Exhibit 13. In addition, staff contacted the <br />provided contacts for the Sandpointe, South Coast, Republic Homes, Metro Classic, <br />Morning Sunwood, Thornton Park, Sunwood Central, and the Rosewood Baker <br />Neighborhood Associations to ensure they were aware of the project and public <br />hearing. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF THE RELATED BRISTOL SPECIFIC PLAN, <br />ENTITLEMENTS & DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT <br />General Plan Update (GPU) Final Program Environmental Impact Report (Final PEIR) <br />In April 2022, the City certified the GPU Final PEIR (SCH No. 2020029087) and <br />adopted the GPU. The GPU Final PEIR is a Program Environmental Impact Report <br />(PEIR) that examines the existing environment and the total scope of environmental <br />effects that would occur as a result of buildout of the GPU land uses. As a Program EIR, <br />the document comprehensively evaluated the potential environmental impacts <br />stemming from adoption of the General Plan Update and subsequent implementing <br />projects. Moreover, this type of EIR allows subsequent implementing activities, such as <br />the proposed Specific Plan, to be evaluated through "tiering." Tiering refers to the <br />coverage of general matters in broader EIRs, such as the GPU Final PEIR, with <br />subsequent narrower EIRs or ultimately site -specific EIRs incorporating by reference <br />the general discussions and concentrating solely on the issues specific to the EIR <br />subsequently prepared, such as in the case of the Related Bristol Specific Plan's <br />Supplemental EIR, which has been prepared for the Project. Tiering is appropriate when <br />the sequence of EIRs is (1) from a general plan, policy, or program EIR to a program, <br />plan, or policy EIR of lesser scope or to a site -specific EIR, (2) from an EIR on a specific <br />action at an early stage to a subsequent EIR or a supplement to an EIR at a later stage. <br />