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Related Bristol Specific Plan Entitlements & Development Agreement (3600 S. Bristol St.) <br />and Staff Resolution Modifying Parking Districts in the Surrounding Area <br />October 1, 2024 <br />Page 28 <br />The Project site is located within the South Bristol Street Focus Area and has a land use <br />designation of District Center -High (DC-5), which has a maximum Floor Area Ratio <br />(FAR) of 5.0, or 125 dwelling units per acre (du/ac) and a maximum height of 25 stories <br />that allows up to 8,958,114 SF of mixed uses, inclusive of residential uses, within the <br />Project site. This level of redevelopment was included in the GPU Final PEIR buildout, <br />and applicable mitigation measures were identified, as necessary, to reduce impacts. <br />A project is consistent with the GPU if the development density does not exceed what <br />was contemplated and analyzed for the parcel(s) in the certified GPU EIR and complies <br />with the associated standards applicable to that development density (State CEQA <br />Guidelines Section 15183(i)(2)/Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.). <br />Development density standards can include the number of dwelling units per acre, the <br />number of people in a given area, FAR, and other measures of building intensity, <br />building height, size limitations, and use restrictions. <br />Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) <br />In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and as required by <br />Public Resources Code (PRC) section 2116t, and CEQA Guidelines section 15162, the <br />City of Santa Ana has prepared a Supplemental EIR (SEIR) that evaluates the potential <br />of the proposed Project to result in new or substantially greater environmental impacts <br />than previously identified in the GPU Final PEIR. The City's certified PEIR examines the <br />impacts associated with buildout of the Santa Ana General Plan. Once a Program EIR <br />is prepared, subsequent activities within the program or changes to the program must <br />be evaluated to determine whether additional CEQA documentation needs to be <br />prepared. <br />The Project site is within the South Bristol Street Focus Area and development of the <br />site was analyzed in the FEIR at a programmatic level at 5.0 floor area ratio and 125 <br />dwelling units per unit assumption per the General Plan District Center -High (DC-5) <br />designation. The Related Bristol Specific Plan proposes the phased redevelopment of <br />site, consistent with the General Plan District Center -High (DC-5) land use designation, <br />and the City conducted project -level analysis to determine if the development of the <br />Project would involve new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in <br />the impacts that were previously identified GPU Final PEIR. Following this project -level <br />analysis, the City of Santa Ana prepared an SEIR that evaluated the potential of the <br />proposed Project to result in new or substantially greater impacts than previously <br />identified; applied the mitigation measures prescribed in the GPU FEIR; and where new <br />or more significant impacts were identified, included Project specific mitigation <br />measures. In addition, where impacts could not be mitigated to below a less than <br />significant level, the SEIR made new significant and unavoidable findings <br />