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Ibarra, Evelyn <br />From: Gus Garcia <> <br />Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 5:50 PM <br />To: eComment <br />Subject: Request to Read at Council Meeting 10/01/2024 - Agenda Item 21 Santa Ana Wellness <br />Plaza Project. <br />Attention: This email originated from outside of City of Santa Ana. Use caution when opening attachments or links. <br />Good Afternoon Honorable Mayor and Council, <br />We are reaching out to request clarity on whether the project in question is subject to City of Santa Ana's Community <br />Workforce Agreement (CWA). <br />Given the lowest bidder's proximity to the threshold, we believe it is not only appropriate but also responsible for City of <br />Santa Ana to implement the CWA for this project. Additionally, could you confirm whether change orders are permitted <br />on this project, and if so, whether there is a limit on the amount for these orders? Our concern is that the current bid <br />will inevitably meet or surpass the City's criteria for triggering the CWA. <br />We support the City's Community Workforce Agreement program because of the rigorous compliance standards it <br />establishes. In our experience, contractors are far less likely to violate Public Works standards when there is additional <br />oversight on a project. Joint Labor Management Committees, such as the Center for Contract Compliance, work closely <br />with Public Agencies and their labor compliance programs, ensuring that projects are completed successfully, on time, <br />and in full accordance with all regulatory requirements. This collaborative approach not only upholds the integrity of <br />public works but also safeguards the interests of our communities. <br />Implementing this agreement will ensure that the project aligns with the City's commitment to responsible contracting, <br />local workforce development, and the broader economic benefits for our community. Excluding the CWA could lead to <br />missed opportunities for promoting employment and ensuring project quality. We appreciate your attention to this <br />matter and hope that the city will make the responsible decision of implementing the CWA for the "Santa Ana Wellness <br />Plaza" project. <br />Thank you for your time and consideration. <br />Gus Garcia <br />Investigator <br />Center for Contract Compliance <br />1123 Park View Dr, Suite 100 <br />Covina, CA 91724 <br />