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Ibarra, Evelyn <br />From: Michael Mavrovouniotis < <br />Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2024 10:15 AM <br />To: eComment <br />Subject: Public Comment for the next City Council meeting <br />Attention: This email originated from outside of City of Santa Ana. Use caution wnen opening attachments or links. <br />I'm hoping the citizens of Santa Ana can see how the county bureaucracy is failing your city. <br />Your city contracts with OC Animal Care (OCAC), which kept COVID restrictions well into 2023. They blocked your access to dog <br />kennels. They finally ran a pilot program on visitor access in 2023. My meticulous study shows that more dogs were adopted when <br />visitors had access to the dog kennels: <br /> <br />Shockingly, the shelter insists on its website that keeping visitors out is better. OCAC falsely claims that its old adoption visit model <br />"resulted in 200% more adoptions as compared to the pilot program": <br />That's absurd. Virtually all good shelters allow visitors to walk through the kennels. Why is OCAC sticking with the bizarre claim that <br />COVI D restrictions were somehow good? <br />If OCAC doesn't face the facts, how can it fix its problems? <br />A recent op-ed in the OC Register goes through a myriad other problems at the shelter: <br /> <br />Another opinion piece in Voice of OC looks at the misrepresentations made by the shelter's director. <br /> <br />You can find more on OC Animal Care's troubles on <br />