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the growth identified in the GPU Final EIR, and impacts related to employment growth would be <br />less than significant (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.10-9). <br />Job Housina Balance <br />The City of Santa Ana is jobs rich, with an existing jobs -housing ratio of 2.0. The proposed Project <br />would reduce (improve) the jobs -housing ratio slightly by adding 1,092 jobs and 3,750 residential <br />units (a ratio of 0.29 jobs per non -senior residential unit). The proposed Project would provide a <br />regional beneficial effect of providing multi -family housing on the Project site in a jobs -rich area, <br />where employees can easily travel to nearby employment opportunities. <br />In addition, because the area is jobs -rich, the addition of residential units in the area would not <br />require additional jobs that could result in growth. Conversely, the new residents would fill the need <br />for employees that are anticipated by SCAG projections. Thus, the additional residential units would <br />not indirectly result in the need for additional employment opportunities, which could result in <br />growth. Therefore, this indirect impact related to growth would be less than significant. <br />The proposed Project is located in Transit Priority Area and is in close proximity to existing <br />transportation infrastructure that provides mobility for residents to employment opportunities within <br />the region. The Project site is 0.5 mile from 1-405, which is easily accessible via an interchange at <br />Bristol Street. As detailed in Section 5.13, Transportation, the ©range County Transportation Agency <br />operates seven bus routes with bus stops adjacent to the Project site. <br />In addition, the Project site is bound by sidewalks on Bristol Street, MacArthur Boulevard, South <br />Plaza Drive, and Sunflower Avenue; and the proposed Project would install new onsite and offsite <br />pedestrian and bicycle facilities, which would connect to other existing pedestrian and bicycle <br />facilities. The residents and employees of the proposed Project would have convenient access to <br />sustainable multimodal transportation that would allow for walking, biking, and the use of existing <br />transit, which could reduce vehicular trips and the related effects (such as traffic, air quality, <br />greenhouse gas emissions, and noise impacts). Thus, the improved jobs -housing ratio would be an <br />indirect physical benefit of the proposed Project (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.10-9 through <br />5.10-10). <br />Infrastructure <br />The Project site is adjacent to existing roadways that would not be extended or upsized to serve <br />the proposed Project. Although the proposed Project includes roadway improvements, they are <br />related to installing ingress/egress to the proposed uses on the Project site and providing a multi - <br />modal circulation system by enhancing pedestrian and bicycle facilities. These roadway <br />improvements would provide for efficient and multi -modal circulation to, from, and within the Project <br />site and would not provide additional roadways or roadway capacity that could indirectly induce <br />substantial unplanned growth in the area. <br />As described in Section 5.15, Utilities and Service Systems of the Draft Supplemental EIR, the <br />proposed Project would install a new onsite water infrastructure system that would connect to water <br />pipelines adjacent to the site. The onsite improvements include construction of a new 12-inch water <br />line in Bristol Paseo and replacement of the existing 12-inch water line in Callen's Common with a <br />new 12-inch main and connection of the new onsite infrastructure to the replacement line. The <br />