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Facts in Support of Findings: The exterior noise thresholds outlined in the AELUP, multi -family <br />residential development is considered normally consistent with exterior noise levels of less than 60 <br />dBA CNEL, conditionally consistent with exterior noise levels between 60 and 65 dBA CNEL and <br />normally inconsistent with exterior noise level above 65 dBA CNEL. For commercial retail land use, <br />exterior noise levels are considered normally consistent with exterior noise levels of less than 65 <br />dBA CNEL and conditionally consistent with exterior noise level above 65 dBA CNEL. <br />As shown on Draft Supplemental EIR Figures 5.6-2 and 5.6-3, the Project site is located outside the <br />airport's planned and actual (2019) 60 dBA CNEL aircraft noise level contour boundaries of SNA. <br />Therefore, according to the AELUP, the Project residential and commercial retail land use is <br />considered normally consistent with JWA aircraft noise exposure exterior noise level compatibility <br />thresholds. Also, the airport -related noise at the Project site does not exceed the City's municipal <br />code permissible noise levels. Additionally, the County's General Aviation Noise Ordinance <br />prohibits commercial aircraft departures between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. and <br />arrivals between the hours of 1 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. These restrictions substantially limit the <br />aircraft noise during the noise sensitive nighttime hours for residential use. Overall, the Project site <br />would not be exposed to excessive noise levels from airport operations, and therefore, impacts <br />would be less than significant (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.9-31 through 5.9-32). <br />1. Population and Housing <br />Impact Finding: The Project would not induce substantial unplanned population growth in an area, <br />either directly (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, <br />through extension of roads or other infrastructure) (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.10-8). <br />Facts in Support of Findings: <br />Housing and Population Growth <br />Draft Supplemental EIR Table 5.10-8 shows that at full occupancy the Project would house <br />approximately 9,238 residents. As shown in Draft Supplemental EIR Table 5.10-6, the buildout <br />population of the South Bristol Street Focus Area was identified as 19,176 persons. Therefore, the <br />Project buildout of 9,238 residents would be 48 percent of the GPU FEIR buildout for the South <br />Bristol Street Focus Area, and population growth from the proposed Project would not exceed the <br />growth identified in the GPU Final EIR. Therefore, the proposed Project would not induce substantial <br />unplanned direct growth in the area, and impacts related to housing and population growth would <br />be less than significant (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.10-8). <br />Employment Growth <br />The proposed site redevelopment would also include 350,000 SF of commercial space and 250 <br />hotel rooms, which would not exceed the increase of 3,505,130 SF of non-residential space that <br />was planned for the South Bristol Street Focus Area by the GPU. In addition, employees would be <br />needed associated with the proposed mix of uses, including the senior,/continuum of care units.. The <br />proposed Project would result in a total of 1,092 employees at buildout and full occupancy, as <br />shown in Draft Supplemental EIR Table 5.10-9. These employees would consist of approximately <br />14 percent of the GPU projected increase in employment from buildout of the South Bristol Street <br />Focus Area. Therefore, employment growth from buildout of the proposed Project would not exceed <br />