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Facts in Support of Findings: The proposed Project would develop 3,750 multi -family apartments, <br />which would provide housing for families that have school children. As detailed in Draft <br />Supplemental EIR Table 5.1 1-5, the proposed Project would result in 1,678 students at full <br />occupancy. As shown in Draft Supplemental EIR Table 5.1 1-6, at buildout of the proposed Project, <br />Jefferson Elementary School and Segerstrom High School may be over -capacity and additional or <br />expanded facilities may be needed. However, the Santa Ana Unified School District Facilities <br />Master Plan identifies that Jefferson Elementary School is planned for addition of a new two-story <br />classroom building with 13,560 SF and 12 teaching stations; and Segerstrom High School is planned <br />for a new 121035 SF career technical education classroom building. These planned school facilities <br />would assist in meeting future student capacity needs. <br />In addition, the need for additional school facilities is addressed through compliance with school <br />impact fee assessment. The existing Santa Ana Unified School District development impact fee is <br />$4.08 per square foot for all new residential development, and $0.66 per square foot for new <br />commercial development. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65995 applicants shall pay <br />developer fees to the appropriate school districts at the time building permits are issued; and <br />payment of the adopted fees provides full and complete mitigation of school impacts. As a result, <br />impacts related to school facilities would be less than significant, which is consistent with the findings <br />of the CPU FEIR (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.1 1-16 through 5.1 1-17). <br />Impact Finding: The Project would not result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with <br />the provision of new or physically altered library facilities, the construction of which could cause <br />significant environmental impacts (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.1 1-20). <br />Facts in Support of Findings: The proposed Project would develop 3,750 multi -family apartments, <br />and a senior living/continuum of care use with up to 200 units, and a hotel with up to 250 rooms. <br />Project buildout would result in approximately 9,238 additional residents, which would increase the <br />demand for library services in the City. However, library use has declined due to the availability <br />of online library materials and may continue to decline as the information available on the Internet <br />increases exponentially over time (American Enterprise Institute [AEI], 2022). Property tax revenue <br />generated by the proposed Project, as well as future and existing development, would contribute <br />municipal funding that could be used by the City to construct future library facilities. However, the <br />decision to construct any such facilities and the nature of any construction would be within the <br />discretion of the City, as the entity responsible for such construction and operation of the library. As <br />the proposed Project would be developed consistent with the buildout assumption for the site <br />pursuant to the GPU, impacts to library services would be consistent with those identified within the <br />CPU FEIR. Therefore, impacts to library services would be less than significant (Draft Supplemental <br />EIR at p. 5.1 1-20). <br />