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K. Transportation <br />Impact Finding: The Project would not conflict with a program, plan or ordinance, or policy <br />addressing the circulation system, including transit, roadway, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities. <br />(Draft Supplemental EIR p. 5.13-10). <br />Facts in Support of Findings: As detailed in Table 5.13-3 of the Draft Supplemental EIR, Phase 1 <br />of the proposed Project is forecast to generate 4,167 "net" daily trips, with 545 "net" trips in the <br />AM peak hour and 359 "net" trips in the PM peak hour. Phase 2 of the proposed Project is forecast <br />to generate 3,241 "net" daily trips, with 293 "net" trips in the AM peak hour and 271 "net" trips <br />in the PM peak hour. Phase 3 of the proposed Project is forecast to generate 80 fewer "net" daily <br />trips, with 381 "net" trips in the AM peak hour and 58 "net" trips in the PM peak hour. Operation <br />of all three Phases at buildout of the proposed Project is anticipated to generate 7,328 net daily <br />trips, including 1,219 AM peak hour and 688 PM peak hour trips (Draft Supplemental EIR pp. 5.13- <br />10 through 5.13-1 1). <br />Roadway <br />The proposed Project would continue to provide vehicular access to the site from the adjacent <br />roadways, but would provide new driveways: five unsignalized right -turn only driveways and one <br />signalized driveway along South Plaza Drive, two unsignalized right -turn only driveways along <br />MacArthur Boulevard, three unsignalized right -turn only driveways along Bristol Street (one of which <br />would be truck driveway), two signalized driveways on Bristol Street, and two unsignalized right - <br />turn only driveways and one signalized driveway along Sunflower Avenue. In addition, the <br />proposed Project would provide pedestrian and bicycle access to and through the site from <br />installation of new and/or reconstructed landscaped sidewalks, the internal Greenlink pedestrian <br />circulation, and Class IV bike lanes on Bristol Street, MacArthur Boulevard, and Sunflower Avenue <br />along the Project site frontage. <br />As shown on Figure 3-12 of the Draft Supplemental EIR, Proposed Circulation Plan, the Related <br />Bristol Specific Plan identifies multiple circulation improvements to connect the proposed <br />redevelopment of the site to the existing circulation system adjacent to the site in a manner that <br />would implement efficient multi -modal circulation to, from, and within the Project site. Thus, a conflict <br />with a program, plan, or policy related to roadway circulation would be less than significant (Draft <br />Supplemental EIR pp. 5.13-1 1 through 5.13-13). <br />Transit Facilities <br />The Project site is located within a TPA and a high -quality transit corridor and is served by OCTA <br />Routes 55, 57, 76, 86, 150, and 553. These existing transit services would continue to serve the <br />ridership in the area and would serve residents, employees, and visitors of the Project site. The <br />proposed Project would not alter or conflict with existing transit stops and schedules, and impacts <br />related to transit services would not occur (Draft Supplemental EIR p. 5.13-1 3). <br />Bicycle Facilities <br />As detailed previously, Bristol Street has Class II bike lanes. The Related Bristol Specific Plan includes <br />installation of a Class IV bike lane on Bristol Street, MacArthur Boulevard, and Sunflower Avenue <br />