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Facts in Support of Findings: The proposed Project would install a new onsite water infrastructure <br />system that would connect to water mains adjacent to the site. The proposed Project also includes <br />offsite infrastructure improvements that would replace a portion of the 12-inch water main in South <br />Plaza Drive from MacArthur Boulevard to Sunflower Ave with a 1 2-inch water main. The new onsite <br />and new offsite water infrastructure would convey water supplies to the proposed residences, <br />commercial uses, and landscaping through plumbing/'landscaping fixtures that would be compliant <br />with the Title 24/CALG Teen Plumbing Code for efficient use of water, which would be ensured <br />through the City's development permitting process. <br />The proposed Project would continue to receive water supplies through the existing and improved <br />water mains that are adjacent and near the site. This is consistent with the GPU FEIR findings that <br />the City's water distribution system is hydraulically sound, but that due to the age and capacity of <br />the existing water infrastructure, water main replacements would be required. Overall, the <br />installation of new water infrastructure and improvements to offsite aged infrastructure is included <br />as part of the proposed Project and would not result in any physical environmental effects beyond <br />those identified throughout the Draft Supplemental EIR. For example, analysis of construction <br />emissions for excavation and installation of the water infrastructure is included in Sections 5.1, Air <br />Quality, and 5.5, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and noise related to construction activities is included <br />in Section 5.9, Noise of the Draft Supplemental EIR. Therefore, impacts related to water <br />infrastructure would be less than significant. <br />This is consistent with the GPU FEIR, which determined that through its planning and CIP mechanisms, <br />the City would provide improvements to aged infrastructure to have adequate capacity for the <br />proposed increases in water flows from buildout of the GPU, including those from buildout of the <br />South Bristol Street Focus Area, and that impacts would be less than significant (Draft Supplemental <br />EIR at pp. 5.15-10 through 5.15-1 1). <br />Impact Finding: The City would have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project and <br />reasonably foreseeable development during normal, dry, and multiple dry years (Draft <br />Supplemental EIR at p. 5.15-1 1). <br />Facts in Support of Findings: As shown in Draft Supplemental EIR Table 5.15-6, the proposed <br />Project would result in a total demand of 929 AFY at full occupancy, which would be a 899 AFY <br />increase in comparison to the water demand from the existing uses. This volume of water supply <br />was accounted for in the City's 2015 UWMP (as determined by the GPU FEIR). Additionally, as <br />detailed previously in Table 5.15-5, the City has an additional supply of 5,500 to 6,500 AFY <br />beyond that anticipated to be needed by the 2020 UWMP projections. Therefore, the City would <br />have sufficient water supplies available. <br />Because the proposed Project would result in an increase in demand for water supplies that has <br />been accounted for within previous City water supply planning, and separately verified through a <br />Project specific WSA, the City would have adequate water supplies available to serve the <br />proposed Project, and impacts would be less than significant. <br />Therefore, impacts related to water supplies from the proposed Project are consistent with the <br />findings of the GPU FEIR, which determined that water demand increases as a result of the GPU <br />are within the planned supplies from the City, OCWD, and M'WD during normal -dry and multiple- <br />