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SECTION IV <br />IMPACTS MITIGATED TO A LEVEL OF LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT <br />The City hereby finds that mitigation measures have been identified in the Supplemental EIR that <br />would avoid or substantially lessen the following potentially significant environmental impacts to a <br />less than significant level. The potentially significant impacts and the mitigation measures that would <br />reduce them to a less than significant level are detailed in the Supplemental EIR and summarized <br />below. <br />A. Air Quality <br />Impact Finding: The Project would not expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant <br />concentrations (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.1-32). <br />Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project that avoid or <br />substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the Draft Supplemental EIR <br />Facts in Support of Findings: The nearest offsite sensitive receptor to the Phase 1 construction area <br />is a multi -family residential building located approximately 130 feet (40 meters) to the west. The <br />nearest offsite sensitive receptor to the Phase 2 construction area is a multi -family residential <br />building located 410 feet (125 meters) to the north. The nearest offsite sensitive receptor to the <br />Phase 3 construction area is a multi -family residential building located 130 feet (40 meters) to the <br />west. <br />Construction Phase 1 <br />Table 5.1-23 of the Draft Supplemental EIR identifies daily localized onsite emissions that are <br />estimated to occur during construction of Phase 1 of the proposed Project. As shown, emissions during <br />the peak site preparation and grading construction activity of Phase 1 would exceed the <br />SCAQMD's localized significance thresholds for NOx and PM2.5. However, as described previously <br />GPU FEIR Mitigation Measure AQ-1 for GARB Tier 4 Final off -road construction equipment <br />standards would reduce NOx emissions and Project Mitigation Measure AQ-1, Construction Exhaust <br />and Dust Control, would reduce PM2.5 emissions to below the SCAQMD thresholds for localized <br />significance, as shown in Draft Supplemental EIR Table 5.1-24. Therefore, LST impacts from <br />construction of Phase 1 would be less than significant with incorporation of mitigation (Draft <br />Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.1-32 through 5.1-33). <br />Construction Phase 2 <br />Table 5.1-25 of the Draft Supplemental EIR identifies daily localized onsite emissions that are <br />estimated to occur during construction of Phase 2 of the proposed Project. As shown, emissions during <br />the peak site preparation and grading construction activity of Phase 2 would exceed the <br />SCAQMD's localized significance thresholds for NOx and PM2.5. However, as described previously <br />GPU FEIR Mitigation Measure AQ-1 for CARE Tier 4 Final off -road construction equipment <br />standards would reduce NOx emissions and Project Mitigation Measure AQ-1, Construction Exhaust <br />and Dust Control, would reduce PM2.5 emissions to below the SCAQMD thresholds for localized <br />