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significance, as shown in Draft Supplemental EIR Table 5.1-26. Therefore, LST impacts from <br />construction of Phase 2 would be less than significant with incorporation of mitigation (Draft <br />Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.1-33 through 5.1-34). <br />Construction Phase 3 <br />Table 5.1-27 of the Draft Supplemental EIR identifies daily localized onsite emissions that are <br />estimated to occur during construction of Phase 3 of the proposed Project. As shown, emissions during <br />the peak construction activity of site preparation during Phase 3 would exceed the SCAQMD <br />localized significance threshold for PM2.5. However, as described previously Project Mitigation <br />Measure AQ-1, Construction Exhaust and Dust Control, would be implemented, and would reduce <br />PM2.5 emissions to below the SCAQMD thresholds for localized significance, as shown in Draft <br />Supplemental EIR Table 5.1-28. Therefore, LST impacts from construction of Phase 3 would be less <br />than significant with incorporation of mitigation (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.1-34 through 5.1- <br />35). <br />Operation at Project Buildout <br />Applying a 5-acre LST threshold as done by the Draft Supplemental EIR is a very conservative <br />approach. As shown in Table 5.1-32 of the Draft Supplemental EIR, unmitigated emissions <br />generated on site by the proposed Project would exceed the LST threshold for PM2.5. Therefore, <br />operational mitigation would be required. As shown on Table 5.1-33 of the Draft Supplemental <br />EIR, with implementation of operational mitigation measures that prohibit fireplaces, require use of <br />electrical landscape equipment, and use of low VOC paints, PM2.5 emissions would be reduced to <br />a less than significant level. Therefore, LST impacts of Project buildout would be less than significant <br />with incorporation of mitigation (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.1-37). <br />Diesel Health Risk Assessment. A Health Risk Assessment (HRA) (included as Appendix C to the <br />Draft Supplemental EIR) was prepared to evaluate the health risk impacts as a result of exposure <br />to Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) during construction of the proposed Project. Onsite truck idling <br />was estimated to occur as trucks enter and travel through the site. <br />SCAQMD recommends using a 10 in one million as the cancer risk threshold. The receptor with the <br />greatest potential exposure to construction DPM source emissions are the closest residences, which <br />are as close as 130 feet from construction activities. Draft Supplemental EIR Table 5.1-34 shows <br />that DPM levels would be reduced below SCAQMD thresholds for residential and worker receptors <br />with implementation of GPU FEI R Mitigation Measure AQ-1 and Project Mitigation Measure AQ-1 <br />for CARE Tier 4 Final off -road construction equipment standards. Thus, construction DPM <br />carcinogenic risks would be reduced to a less than significant level with incorporation of mitigation. <br />The significance thresholds for DPM exposure also require an evaluation of non -cancer risk known <br />as hazard index. A chronic hazard index of 1.0 is considered individually significant. As shown on <br />Draft Supplemental EIR Table 5.1-35, the maximum chronic hazard index at offsite receptors during <br />construction would be 0.003 with implementation of GPU FEIR Mitigation Measure AQ-1 and Project <br />Mitigation Measure AQ-1 for CARB Tier 4 Final off -road construction equipment standards, which <br />is less than the 1.0 threshold. Therefore, impacts related to non -carcinogenic hazards would be less <br />