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Facts in Support of Findings: The site has been previously disturbed from both agricultural uses <br />and development, including ground disturbance to depths for installation of the existing utility <br />infrastructure that serves the site. As required by GPU FEIR Mitigation Measure CUL-4, an <br />Archaeological Resources Assessment Report was prepared for the proposed Project to analyze <br />the potential archaeological sensitivity of the Project site and the potential for Project ground <br />disturbance to result in impacts to archaeological resources. <br />As the Project site is sensitive for previously unknown archaeological resources, the Archaeological <br />Resources Assessment Report (Appendix E to the Draft Supplemental EIR) determined that GPU FEIR <br />Mitigation Measure CUL-6 would be required to be implemented to require an archaeologist to be <br />retained for monitoring throughout proposed Project ground disturbing activities. In addition, the <br />proposed Project would be required to implement Project -specific Mitigation Measure CR-1, which <br />sets forth requirements should archaeological resources be uncovered during proposed Project <br />activities, and Project -specific Mitigation Measure CR-2, which preparation of a monitoring report <br />after the completion of monitoring activities. With implementation of GPU FEIR Mitigation Measure <br />CUL-b and Project -specific Mitigation Measures CR-1 and CR-2, impacts would be less than <br />significant. Therefore, impacts related to Project buildout of the site would be consistent with the <br />impact conclusions set forth in the GPU FEIR, which determined that impacts to archaeological <br />resources would be less than significant after implementation of mitigation (Draft Supplemental EIR <br />at p. 5.2-15). <br />Mitigation Measures: <br />GPU FEIR MM CUL-4: For projects with ground disturbance e.g., grading, excavation, trenching, <br />boring, or demolition that extend below the current grade prior to issuance of any permits <br />required to conduct ground -disturbing activities, the City shall require an Archaeological Resources <br />Assessment be conducted under the supervision of an archaeologist that meets the Secretary of the <br />Interior's Professionally Qualified Standards in either prehistoric or historic archaeology. <br />Assessments shall include a California Historical Resources Information System records search at the <br />South Central Coastal Information Center and of the Sacred Land Files maintained by the Native <br />American Heritage Commission. The records searches will determine if the proposed project area <br />has been previously surveyed for archaeological resources, identify and characterize the results of <br />previous cultural resource surveys, and disclose any cultural resources that have been recorded <br />and/or evaluated. If unpaved surfaces are present within the project area, and the entire project <br />area has not been previously surveyed within the past 10 years, a Phase I pedestrian survey shall <br />be undertaken in proposed project areas to locate any surface cultural materials that may be <br />present. <br />GPU FEIR MM CUL-b: If the archaeological assessment did not identify archaeological resources <br />but found the area to be highly sensitive for archaeological resources, a qualified archaeologist <br />and a Native American monitor approved by a California Native American Tribe identified by the <br />Native American Heritage Commission as culturally affiliated with the project area shall monitor all <br />ground -disturbing construction and pre -construction activities in areas with previously undisturbed <br />soil of high sensitivity. The archaeologist shall inform all construction personnel prior to construction <br />activities of the proper procedures in the event of an archaeological discovery. The training shall <br />be held in conjunction with the project's initial onsite safety meeting and shall explain the importance <br />