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the Draft Supplemental EIR). Thus, impacts related to lateral spreading would be less than <br />significant. Also, impacts related to landslides would not occur. <br />However, as detailed in the Geotechnical Report (Included as Appendix G to the Draft <br />Supplemental EIR), groundwater has been encountered at the site at between 5 and 16 feet bgs <br />and excavations during Project construction are likely to encounter groundwater. The Geotechnical <br />Report identified that excavations within potentially collapsible wet soils may need to be stabilized; <br />and stabilization may consist of placement of a granular working mat consisting of geogrid and <br />coarse gravel or sub -excavation and replacement with dried soil. Mitigation Measure GEO-1 has <br />been included to require that the proposed Project comply with a final design -level geotechnical <br />report that must be completed in compliance with the current CBC requirements and prepared to <br />the satisfaction of the City's Building and Safety Division. Also, Mitigation Measure GEO-2 is <br />included to ensure that geotechnical recommendations regarding groundwater induced unstable <br />soils are implemented pursuant to existing CBC construction measures. <br />Also, the CBC, as currently adopted in the City's Municipal Code Chapter 8, Article 2, Division 1, <br />requires that a California Certified Engineering Geologist or California -licensed civil engineer <br />provide site -specific engineering data for the proposed structures, which are reviewed by the City <br />for appropriate inclusion as part of the building plan check and development review process. <br />Compliance with the requirements of the CBC and City's Municipal Code for structural safety is <br />included as PPP GEO-1 and would reduce potential impacts to a less than significant level. <br />Therefore, due to the need for mitigation to ensure implementation of existing CBC measures, <br />impacts related to Project buildout of the site would be slightly greater than the impact conclusions <br />set forth in the GPU FEIR, which determined that impacts related to unstable soils would be less than <br />significant with implementation of existing regulations (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.4-11 <br />through 5.4-12). <br />Plans, Program and Policies: <br />PPP GEO-1: CBC Compliance. The proposed Protect is required to comply with the California <br />Building Standards Code (CBC) as included in the City's Municipal Code as Chapter 8, Article 2, <br />Division 11 to preclude significant adverse effects associated with seismic and soils hazards. As part <br />of CBC compliance, CBC related and geologist and/or civil engineer specifications for the proposed <br />Project shall be incorporated into grading plans and building specifications as a condition of <br />construction permit approval. <br />Mitigation Measures: <br />MM GEO.1 Incorporation of and Compliance with a Design Level Geotechnical Report. A final <br />design level geotechnical report that complies with all applicable state and local code requirements <br />shall be prepared for each Project structure by a California licensed qualified geotechnical engineer <br />consistent with the California Building Code and City of Santa Ana requirements applicable at the <br />time of grading construction and shall include recommendations related to site grading and <br />earthwork, fill materials, compaction, foundations, and other structural elements. The report <br />recommendations shall be included in construction specifications and permits; and confirmed through <br />onsite inspections. <br />