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excavation and grading during construction of the proposed Project has the potential to impact <br />paleontological resources. As such, impacts to paleontological resources within the Project site are <br />potentially significant. Therefore, GPU FEIR Mitigation Measures GEC-2 and GEQ-3 would be <br />required to confirm onsite sediments and provide measures in the case that a fossil is discovered <br />onsite. In addition, Mitigation Measures PALEQ-1 through PALED-3 have been included to retain a <br />qualified paleontologist prior to the start of excavation, provide paleontological resources <br />sensitivity training, and monitor the site for excavations below 20 feet bgs. Mitigation Measure <br />PALE?-4 has been included to identify and catalog any significant fossils and Mitigation Measure <br />PALE4-5 has been included to prepare a Paleontological Resources Monitoring Report that <br />summarizes the findings. Thus, with implementation of GPU FEIR and Project -specific mitigation <br />measures, impacts related to paleontological resources would be less than significant. Therefore, <br />impacts related to Project buildout of the site would be consistent with the impact conclusions set <br />forth in the GPU FEIR, which determined that impacts related to paleontological resources would be <br />less than significant with the implementation of mitigation (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.4-12). <br />Mitigation Measures: <br />GPU FIER MM GEo-2: Low -to -High Sensitivity. Prior to issuance of a grading permit for projects <br />involving ground disturbance in previously undisturbed areas mapped with "low- to -high" <br />paleontological sensitivity (see Figure 5.6-3), the project applicant shall consult with a geologist or <br />paleontologist to confirm whether the grading would occur at depths that could encounter highly <br />sensitive sediments for paleontological resources. If confirmed that underlying sediments may have <br />high sensitivity, construction activity shall be monitored by a qualified paleontologist. The <br />paleontologist shall have the authority to halt construction during construction activity as outlined in <br />Mitigation Measure GEO-3. <br />GPU FEIR MM GEo-3: All Projects. In the event of any fossil discovery, regardless of depth or <br />geologic formation, construction work shall halt within a 50-foot radius of the find until its <br />significance can be determined by a Qualified Paleontologist. Significant fossils shall be recovered, <br />prepared to the point of curation, identified by qualified experts, listed in a database to facilitate <br />analysis, and deposited in a designated paleontological curation facility in accordance with the <br />standards of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (2010). The most likely repository is the <br />Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (NHMLA). The repository shall be identified, and a <br />curatorial arrangement shall be signed, prior to collection of the fossils. <br />MM PALEo-1: Retention of a Oualified Paleontologist. Protect plans, grading specifications, and <br />construction permitting shall ensure that prior to the start of excavation, the client shall retain a <br />Qualified Paleontologist who meets the professional criteria established by the Society of Vertebrate <br />Paleontology (SVP 2010) to oversee the implementation of all paleontological resources mitigation <br />requirements for the proposed Project. <br />MM PALEo-2: Paleontological Resources Sensitivity Training. Project plans, grading specifications, <br />and construction permitting shall ensure that prior to the start of excavations, the Qualified <br />Paleontologist, or their designee, shall conduct paleontological resources awareness training for onsite <br />personnel. The training session shall focus on how to identify paleontological resources that may be <br />encountered during excavations and the procedures to be followed in the event of their discovery. <br />