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Facts in Support of Findings: <br />Construction <br />Per Section 18-314 (Special Provisions) of the City's Municipal Code noise sources associated with <br />construction activities are exempt from the City's established noise standards as long as the activities <br />do not take place between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on weekdays, including Saturday, <br />or any time on Sunday or a federal holiday. The proposed Project's construction activities would <br />occur pursuant to these regulations. Thus, the proposed Project would be in compliance with the <br />City's construction related noise standards. <br />Construction noise would be temporary in nature as the operation of each piece of construction <br />equipment would not be constant throughout the construction day, and equipment would be turned <br />off when not in use. Construction activities would occur throughout the Project site and would not be <br />concentrated at a single point near sensitive receptors. Further, it is unlikely that multiple pieces of <br />equipment would operate within the same area closest to sensitive receptors during Project <br />construction. Because the analysis assumes that the noisiest equipment would operate concurrently <br />at the construction boundary closest to the nearest sensitive receptor, it provides represents a <br />conservative analysis of potential impacts. Construction noise levels drop off at a rate of about 6 <br />dBA per doubling of distance between the noise source and receptor (Draft Supplemental EIR at <br />pp. 5.9-13 through 5.9-15). <br />Phase 1. As shown on Draft Supplemental EIR Table 5.9-8, construction noise for Phase 1 would be <br />as close as 130 feet from the closest offsite residences, at the nearby receiver locations would <br />range from 65.4 to 75.7 dBA Leq, which would not exceed the 80 d ba Leq daytime construction <br />noise level threshold. Therefore, construction impacts related to Phase 1 would be less than <br />significant (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.9-15). <br />Phase 2. Construction activity for Phase 2 would be as close as 410 feet from the closest offsite <br />residences. As shown on Table 5.9-9 of the Draft Supplemental EIR, noise from Phase 2 construction <br />at the closest nearby receiver locations would range from 55.4 to 68.0 dBA Leq. This would not <br />exceed the 80 dba Leq daytime construction noise level threshold. In addition, Phase 2 construction <br />would occur after Phase 1 is occupied. The onsite receptors in Phase 1 would be located as close <br />as 130 feet away from the Phase 2 construction activity area where heavy equipment would be <br />located. The loudest Phase 2 noise level would occur during grading and would be 75.6 dBA at the <br />Phase 1 residences located 130 feet away, which would not exceed the 80 dBA Leq daytime <br />construction noise level threshold at residential receiver locations. Therefore, construction noise <br />impacts to offsite sensitive receptors related to Phase 2 would be less than significant (Draft <br />Supplemental EIR at p. 5.9-15). <br />Phase 3. As shown on Table 5.9-10 of the Draft Supplemental EIR, construction activity for Phase 3 <br />would be as close as 130 feet from the closest offsite residences, and noise from Phase 3 <br />construction at the nearby receiver locations would range from 65.4 to 75.9 dBA Leq. This would <br />not exceed the 80 dBA Leq daytime construction noise level threshold. Therefore, construction noise <br />impacts to offsite sensitive receptors related to Phase 3 would be less than significant. <br />In addition, Phase 3 construction would occur after Phase 1 and Phase 2 are occupied. The onsite <br />receptors in Phases 1 and 2 would be located as close as 130 feet away from the Phase 3 <br />construction activity. The loudest Phase 3 noise level would occur during demolition and grading <br />