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2024-053 - Final Supplemental for The Related Bristol Specific Plan Project
2011 -
2024-053 - Final Supplemental for The Related Bristol Specific Plan Project
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10/9/2024 10:41:47 AM
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10/9/2024 10:31:30 AM
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and would be 76.5 dBA at the closest Phase 1 and Phase 2 residences located 130 feet away. <br />Therefore, Phase 3 construction would not exceed the 80 dBA Leq daytime construction noise level <br />threshold at residential receiver locations. Therefore, construction noise impacts related to Phase 3 <br />would be less than significant. <br />Although noise generated from construction of Phases 1, 2, and 3 would be less than significant, the <br />proposed Project would still be required to implement GPU FEIR Mitigation Measure N-1, which <br />includes construction requirements to limit noise. The proposed Project would result in less impacts <br />than the construction noise impacts that were identified in the GPU FEIR, which were identified as <br />significant. Therefore, construction noise impacts related to the proposed Project would not exceed <br />those previously identified (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.9-15 through 5.9-16). <br />offsite Construction Noise. The offsite improvements include the installation and upgrade of water, <br />stormwater, and sewer utilities, as well as roadway improvements that include sidewalks, bicycle <br />facilities, landscaping, intersection improvements, median reconstruction, etc. The offsite <br />improvements would include excavators, loaders, and trucks during pavement demolition and <br />trenching activities and pavers, rollers, and loaders for paving activities. Draft Supplemental EIR <br />Table 5.9-1 1 shows that the proposed Project's offsite construction noise would not exceed the FTA's <br />standard. Additionally, when the worst -case offsite noise level (77.4 dBA during demolition) is <br />combined with the worst -case onsite construction noise level (75.7 dBA during Phase 1 demolition), <br />noise levels would be 79.6 dBA, which is below the FTA's 80 dBA standard. Therefore, construction <br />noise impacts from offsite improvements would be less than significant. In addition, GPU FEIR <br />Mitigation Measure N-1, which includes construction requirements to limit noise would be required <br />to be implemented, which would reduce noise generated from proposed Project construction at <br />sensitive receptor locations (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.9-16 through 5.9-17). <br />Nighttime Concrete Pour Construction Noise. The proposed Project could include nighttime <br />concrete pour activities. The nighttime concrete pours would use the following construction <br />equipment: concrete mixer trucks, concrete pump truck, concrete vibrator, generator, trucks, and air <br />compressors. Draft Supplemental EIR Table 5.9-12 shows that construction noise associated with <br />nighttime concrete pours would be up to 71.0 dBA at the closest offsite sensitive receptors. <br />Therefore, nighttime construction noise would exceed FTA's nighttime threshold of 70 dBA at offsite <br />sensitive receptors and Project Mitigation Measure NOI-1 has been included to require enclosures <br />for stationary (e.g., generators, air compressors, etc.) concrete pour equipment and buffer distances <br />for mobile equipment (including concrete trucks) to minimize nighttime construction noise. Draft <br />Supplemental EIR Table 5.9-12 shows that with implementation of GPU FEIR Mitigation Measure N- <br />1 and Project Mitigation Measure NOI-1, impacts related to nighttime concrete pour activities at <br />offsite sensitive receptors would be less than significant (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.9-17 <br />through 5.9-18). <br />Construction Traffic Noise. Noise generated from construction traffic would increase short-term <br />noise; however, these noise levels are temporary and would cease once construction is complete. <br />The trucks associated with construction would occur during the allowable hours for construction <br />specified in the Municipal Code (7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on weekdays and Saturdays). Trucks <br />("Including trucks hauling excavated material) would also occur during the allowable daytime hours <br />only. Draft Supplemental EIR Table 5.9-13 shows that construction traffic noise levels would not <br />
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