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2024-053 - Final Supplemental for The Related Bristol Specific Plan Project
2011 -
2024-053 - Final Supplemental for The Related Bristol Specific Plan Project
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10/9/2024 10:41:47 AM
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10/9/2024 10:31:30 AM
City Clerk
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exceed the 85 dBA construction thresholds for commercial uses (soil hauling would not occur along <br />residential streets) and roadway noise levels would not increase ambient noise levels above the <br />perceptible range (3.0 dBA) for any of the construction phases. Therefore, a less than significant <br />impact would occur. Additionally, the GPU FEIR Mitigation Measure N-1 requires construction traffic <br />use City approved haul routes to the extent feasible. Thus, ensuring that construction traffic would <br />not use residential roadways (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.9-18 through 5.9-19). <br />Operation <br />Onsite operational Noise. Noise generated by the Project would occur from stationary equipment <br />such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) units that would be installed for the new <br />development, use of parking facilities, trash removal activity, and activity at outdoor gathering <br />areas. Based on these typical noise levels, operation of the Project would not result in an <br />exceedance of the City's Municipal Code Section 18-313 noise standards. Also, the City's building <br />and plan check permitting process includes verification that the location of operational noise sources <br />would not result in an exceedance of the municipal code standards. At the closest sensitive receptor, <br />approximately 130 feet away, mechanical equipment noise levels would attenuate to 43.7 dBA, <br />which is below the City's ambient noise standards of 55 dBA for residential receptors and below <br />the measured ambient levels ranging from 58.4 to 71.0 dBA (refer to Draft Supplemental EIR Table <br />5.9-4). Operation of mechanical equipment would not increase ambient noise levels beyond the <br />acceptable compatible land use noise levels. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in a less <br />than significant impact related to stationary noise levels. Thus, the City's standards development <br />permitting process would ensure that the proposed Project would not generate on -site operational <br />noise that would exceed noise standards. Therefore, impacts would be less than significant (Draft <br />Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.9-19 through 5.9-21 ). <br />Onsite Traffic operational Noise. Future residents at the Project site would be exposed to mobile <br />traffic noise along Bristol Street, MacArthur Boulevard, Sunflower Avenue, and Plaza Drive. Table <br />5.9-17 shows that noise levels along these roadways would be up to 68.8 dBA (along Bristol Street <br />from MacArthur Boulevard to Callen's Common) at 100 feet from the roadway centerline. At 70 <br />feet, traffic noise would be approximately 71 dBA. However, this does not account for intervening <br />structures and changes in altitude, as residences would be above commercial and retail uses. <br />Therefore, the potential for the proposed Project to exceed the City's 65 dBA exterior and 45 dBA <br />interior General Plan noise standards (based on an outdoor to indoor attenuation rate of 25 dB) <br />cannot be excluded, and noise -reduction features, acoustical designs for the proposed residential <br />buildings, and enforcement of the California Uniform Building Code would be required. However, <br />Condition of Approval N0I-1 is included to require a detailed acoustical study demonstrating that <br />all residential units would meet the City's General Plan 65 dBA exterior and 45 dBA interior noise <br />standards by incorporating applicable noise reduction features. Compliance with Condition of <br />Approval N0I-1 would ensure that the proposed Project meets the applicable City and state <br />standards (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.9-13-29 through 5.9-30). <br />Condition of Approval: <br />COA N-1: On site Traffic Noise. Prior to issuance of building permits for Phase 1, Phase 2, and <br />Phase 3, a detailed acoustical study based on architectural plans shall be prepared by a qualified <br />acoustical consultant to demonstrate compliance with General Plan Noise Element Standards. The <br />
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