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of the GPU, the existing parkland deficiency is expected to increase as additional residential units <br />are constructed with limited parkland increases. <br />Based on the California State Parks information for the Southern California region, the anticipated <br />number of Project residents at full occupancy (9,238 residents), the distance and type of <br />recreational facilities near the Project site, it is anticipated that the proposed Project would <br />generate 1,543 additional park users two or more times per week, 1,275 additional park users <br />about once per week, 1,903 additional park users once or twice per month, 2,254 additional park <br />users several times a year, and 1,395 additional park users once or twice a year that would utilize <br />the 69.8 acres of existing parks within 2 miles of the Project site and the 17.21 acres of parks and <br />recreational facilities within the Project site. <br />As the existing ratio of acreage of parks and recreational facilities to existing City population <br />results in a parkland deficiency of approximately 154.44 acres, development of the proposed <br />Project would continue to result in a deficiency in parkland throughout the City of Santa Ana. The <br />Project proposes to provide approximately 1.4 acres of publicly accessible open space per 1,000 <br />residents, which exceeds the approximately 1.2 acres per 1,000 residents currently existing within <br />the City. Notwithstanding the Prolect's provision of public open space in proportion greater than <br />existing currently in the City, it is reasonably foreseeable that the proposed Project would result in <br />the increased use of existing parks and recreational facilities in a manner that results in accelerated <br />substantial physical deterioration of the facility. As such, impacts would be significant and <br />unavoidable, which is consistent with the findings of the GPU FEIR (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. <br />5.12-6 through 5.12-8). <br />Impact Finding: The Project would include recreational facilities or require the construction or <br />expansion of recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment <br />(Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.12-8). <br />Facts in Support of Findings: As described above, the proposed Project proposes 17.21 acres of <br />common and private open space and recreation facilities, including 13.1 acres of public open space. <br />The project -level impacts of development of these recreational amenities are considered part of <br />the impacts of the proposed Project as a whole and are analyzed throughout the various sections <br />of this Supplemental EIR. For example, activities such as grading and construction, as required for <br />the park and recreational components of this proposed Project, are analyzed in the Air Quality, <br />Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Noise, and Transportation sections. <br />In addition, the proposed Project would contribute park development fees pursuant to Municipal <br />Code Sections 35-108, 35-1 10, and 35-1 1 1 to be used towards the future expansion or <br />maintenance parks and recreational facilities. However, the proposed Project's provision of <br />parkland would not meet the 27.7 acres of parkland based on the GPU policy of 3 acres of <br />parkland for every 1,000 residents, either on the site or cumulatively through the availability of <br />parks and recreation facilities citywide. As such, the proposed Project could require the construction <br />or expansion of recreational facilities, the construction of which could result in significant impacts. <br />As such, impacts would be significant and unavoidable, which is consistent with the findings of the <br />GPU FEIR (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.12-8). <br />