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Private open space areas, such as balconies and patios, would be provided at a ratio of 50 SF per <br />unit, which is included in the 200 SF per unit requirement. Based on the ratio of 200 SF of open <br />space per dwelling unit, buildout of the Specific Plan would include approximately 17.21 acres of <br />public and private open space. Of that, approximately 187,500 SF (4-3 acres) of private open <br />space would be provided based on the ratio of 50 SF per unit. Therefore, approximately 41.8 <br />percent of the 41.13-acre Project site would be dedicated to public and private opens space <br />amenities to meet the proposed Project's demands. Thus, onsite private and public amenities are <br />anticipated to meet most of the park and recreation needs of Project residents. <br />The proposed Project would require 14.6 acres of public parkland beyond the 13.1 acres proposed <br />by the Project and 10.49 acres of combined public and private recreational amenities beyond that <br />which is required by the Related Bristol Specific Plan development standards. The City currently has <br />approximately 1.2 acres of public park and/or recreational space per every 1,000 residents; and <br />therefore, does not have existing sufficient land or Citywide parks and recreation facilities to <br />support in meeting the City's standard GPU policy as set forth in the findings of the GPU FEIR. <br />Municipal Code Sections 35-108, 35-1 10, and 35-1 1 1 require that residential development fees <br />be paid for the acquisition, construction, and renovation of park and recreation facilities prior to <br />the issuance of a building permit for any construction which adds net residential units. Thus, the <br />proposed Project would be required to comply with applicable Municipal Code requirements of 2 <br />acres per 1,000 residents, which is less than the GPU policy of 3 acres per 1,000 residents, and/or <br />pay development fees which would be used in part to acquire properties to build new park sites. <br />In order to comply with the GPU policy, the proposed Project would require 27.7 acres of parkland <br />or the dedication of approximately 67.3 percent of the Project site. While the proposed Project <br />would provide approximately 17.21 acres of public and private open space onsite, inclusive of <br />13.1 acres of publicly accessible open space and facilities, and would comply with applicable <br />Municipal Code requirements, the proposed Project would not provide 27.7 acres of parkland and <br />recreation facilities onsite and would not meet the City of Santa Ana's performance standard for <br />parkland, either on the site or cumulatively through the availability of parks and recreation facilities <br />citywide. As discussed in the GPU FEIR, the City of Santa Ana is essentially fully built out and there <br />is a lack of available vacant land to develop substantial new parks or expand existing facilities. <br />Therefore, there would be no feasible mitigation measures that would be able to reduce the <br />proposed Project's contribution to significant impacts related to the City's unsatisfactory level of <br />resident to parkland ratio. As such, impacts would be significant and unavoidable, which is consistent <br />with the findings of the GPU FEIR (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.12-5 through 5.1-6). <br />Impact Finding: The Project would result in the increase of the use of existing neighborhood and <br />regional parks or other recreational facilities such that a substantial physical deterioration of the <br />facility would occur or be accelerated (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.12-6). <br />Facts in Support of Findings: As described in the previous finding, the proposed Project would <br />provide 13.1 acres of onsite public parks as a part of the total 17.21 acres of open space and <br />recreation facilities; and would be required to pay applicable fees pursuant to Municipal Code <br />requirements, which would be used to maintain and improve other City parks and recreation <br />facilities. However, as discussed within the GPU FEIR, the City of Santa Ana is currently parkland <br />deficient and is not meeting the GPU policy of 3 acres per 1,000 residents. In addition, with buildout <br />