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The Unrealistic <br />Affordable Housing <br />rgument <br />"Despite fears that Airbnb may lead to rent increases, *our research has found that <br />short-term rentals are not the biggest contributor to high rents, especially when it <br />comes to the most vulnerable segments of a city's residents. Put simply, restricting <br />Ai rbn b's is not going to be an effective tool for solving the <br />housing -affordability problems in many U.S. cities." <br />*Harvard Business Review <br />What Does Banning Short -Term Rentals Really Accomplish? <br />by Sophie Calder -Wang, Chiara Farronato, and And rey Fradkin <br />� Understanding the Reality <br />Many city governments are interested in whether short-term rentals disproportionately <br />affect more vulnerable segments of their population for example minorities or low- <br />income residents. Yet, research has found that the increase in rents is more <br />concentrated among high -income, educated, white renters and not the population <br />City governments are, in general, concerned with. This is because short-term rentals <br />tend to be concentrated in touristy, centrally located areas where higher -income <br />residents live. The majority of short-term rentals are a travel luxury typically afforded by <br />higher -income earners. These elevated properties are more expensive to rent based on <br />their design, amenities, location and fully furnished accommodations, " If " STR homes <br />were to transition to traditional rentals, the market monthly rent would be well <br />above the affordability of lower -income residents. <br />0 <br />an <br />RENT Small Impact <br />on Rental Cost <br />According to independent research*, the <br />growth of Airbnb has had an extremely <br />small impact — and in many cases, no <br />impact at all — on rental cost increases. <br />There is also little evidence that <br />regulations aimed at limiting short-term <br />rentals have successfully brought down <br />housing costs significantly. <br />Effects of Short -Term Rentals on Local <br />Housing Prices and Rents: A Literature Survey <br />-� Previously Used <br />Seasonal Housing <br />A common fallacy is that long-term housing is being <br />converted to STRs, thereby detracting from existing <br />housing inventory. The study found the number of <br />seasonal I recreational I occasional use properties <br />closely resembles the homes listed on STR platforms, <br />indicating that the existing STR inventory has <br />historically been used as tourism -related lodging <br />or was occupied part-time. This further suggests <br />that year-round housing units are not being <br />converted to STRs at a high rate. Rather, long-term <br />housing inventory growth has not kept pace with STR <br />growth. <br />Prepare by SASTRA for the City of Santa Ana 3 <br />