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CAJA Environmental Services, LLC <br />9410 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Suite 101 <br />Chatsworth, CA 91311 <br />Phone 310-469-6700 Fax 310-806-9801 <br />hauling, etc.). The results should then be compared to the applicable regional and localized significance <br />thresholds to determine whether the construction activities would have the potential to result in <br />exceedances of applicable daily thresholds that could subsequently cause cumulatively considerable <br />increases in emissions of pollutants for which the region is designated as non -attainment. If regional or <br />localized construction emissions exceed the applicable daily thresholds for any criteria pollutants, <br />mitigation measures, if feasible, would need to be provided to reduce impacts to less than significant. If <br />feasible mitigation is not available, impacts could be significant. <br />As described above, the City's General Plan, various Specific Plans, and Zoning Code have identified <br />certain locations in the City appropriate for hotels. Depending on the availability of land to construct these <br />new hotels in these identified areas, it is possible that they would be constructed farther from a city center <br />or tourist destinations, resulting in greater urban sprawl and vehicle miles traveled (VIVIT). The City failed <br />to analyze whether the reasonably foreseeable construction of new hotels as a result of an STR ban may <br />be inconsistent with growth projections in the applicable regional air quality plan or result in emissions that <br />exceed thresholds. The City also failed to study whether construction of new hotels in the areas identified <br />in the General Plan may have adverse impacts on environmental justice areas, where pursuant to Policy <br />CN-1.5 of the Conservation Element of the General Plan, the City should "[s]tudy the impacts of stationary <br />and non -stationary emission sources on existing and proposed sensitive uses and opportunities to <br />minimize health and safety risks" and "[d]evelop and adopt new regulations avoiding the siting of facilities <br />that potentially emit increased pollution near sensitive receptors within environmental justice area <br />boundaries.3321 The City must conduct this analysis in an EIR to understand all potential air quality impacts <br />of an STR ban. <br />Air Quality Mitigation Measures from the GP PEIR are Inadequate <br />The City cannot rely on the air quality mitigation measures from the GP PEIR to address these potentially <br />significant air quality impacts because, as discussed above, the Proposed Ordinance is a separate project <br />and cannot be addressed through an Addendum to the GP PEIR and, therefore, the mitigation measures <br />from the GP PEIR cannot be applied to this new project. Moreover, the air quality mitigation measures <br />from the GP PEIR would not provide adequate mitigation for the impacts described above, such as <br />increased VMT from elimination of STRs, since the air quality mitigation measures are primarily aimed at <br />construction impacts and site -specific developments. (See Staff Report, Exhibit 3, pp. 18-19.) <br />Biological Resources <br />Overview <br />An STR ban may significantly impact biological resources from the reasonably foreseeable construction of <br />new hotels to accommodate patrons who would have previously utilized STRs. The Addendum fails to <br />address any of these potential impacts, concluding without supporting evidence that the Proposed <br />Ordinance would "only affect existing structures" and therefore, there would be no change in biological <br />21 Santa Ana General Plan, Conservation Element, CN-05. <br />15 <br />