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Correspondence - PH #35
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Correspondence - PH #35
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CAJA Environmental Services, LLC <br />9410 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Suite 101 <br />Chatsworth, CA 91311 <br />Phone 310-469-6700 Fax 310-806-9801 <br />resources impacts beyond those identified in the GP PEIR. (Staff Report, Exhibit 3, p. 23.) This is <br />inadequate. <br />The Analysis in the Addendum Fails to Address Potentially Significant Impacts <br />The Addendum's analysis of biological resources impacts is insufficient, finding that the STR ban would <br />"only affect existing structures," and "is not anticipated to result in physical impacts to the environment." <br />(Staff Report, Exhibit 3, p. 23.) This analysis lacks any consideration of the reasonably foreseeable <br />construction of new hotels from an STR ban, which could result in potentially significant impacts to <br />biological resources. <br />Construction of New Hotels <br />Direct impacts to biological resources may occur if new hotels are constructed on land that contains <br />protected species, wetlands, jurisdictional waters, special status plant or animal communities, species <br />migration corridors (including migratory birds), and habitat conservation areas. As discussed above, the <br />City's General Plan, various Specific Plans, and Zoning Code have identified certain locations in the City <br />appropriate for hotels. The City has not evaluated the potential for these areas to have protected habitat, <br />so it is unknown whether development in these areas would fragment key habitat, for example, or otherwise <br />interfere with special status plant or animal communities. This needs to be evaluated in a full EIR. <br />The Conservation Element of the City's General Plan identifies as Goal CN-2: Natural resources, the goal <br />of preserving and enhancing "Santa Ana's natural and environmental resources while maintaining a <br />balance between recreation, habitat, restoration and scenic resources.9922 Policy CN-2.1 is aimed at <br />preservation of biodiversity and provides for collaboration "with State and County agencies to promote <br />biodiversity and protect sensitive biological resources.9923 Failure to analyze the potential impacts to <br />biodiversity from construction of new hotels is inconsistent with the City's General Plan. <br />The construction and operation of new hotels in locations that physically and directly affect these resources <br />by, for example, removing habitat such as trees, or that have substantial indirect effects, such as dust, <br />noise and vibration, light, trash, vehicle use, and other anthropogenic activities in close proximity with high - <br />value habitats or migration routes, would have significant impacts and require the imposition of all feasible <br />mitigation under CEQA. The City failed to analyze whether development of new hotels may occur on any <br />such lands, and if so, what mitigation measures, if feasible, would need to be provided to reduce impacts <br />to less than significant. Absent any feasible mitigation, impacts to biological resources could be significant. <br />Cultural Resources <br />Overview <br />An STR ban may significantly impact cultural resources from the reasonably foreseeable construction and <br />operation of new hotels to accommodate patrons who would have previously utilized STRs. Cultural <br />resources including historical resources, archaeological resources, and human remains, could be <br />22 Santa Ana General Plan, Conservation Element, CN-09. <br />23 Ibid. <br />
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