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CAJA Environmental Services, LLC <br />9410 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Suite 101 <br />Chatsworth, CA 91311 <br />Phone 310-469-6700 Fax 310-806-9801 <br />policies, such as the Climate Change Scoping Plan, SCAG's Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable <br />Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS), and any other local plans and/or policies. <br />Reducing GHG emissions is critical to helping improve air resources and minimize the impacts of climate <br />change. Due to the significance of this issue and the complexity of GHG emissions calculations, which <br />require complex technical expertise and knowledge of existing and potential sources, an expert study <br />conducted by recognized climate and emissions specialist using established emission methodologies <br />should be prepared to support the City's GHG emissions impact analysis. <br />The City should also prepare an analysis to quantify the GHG emissions generated from constructing these <br />new facilities. This analysis should be prepared using CalEEMod and based on specific parameters for the <br />proposed new uses being constructed (including size of the new use as well construction schedule, <br />construction equipment, amount of grading, amount of hauling, etc.). Likewise, operational emissions of <br />GHGs should be quantified using CalEEMod. The City has used a screening threshold of 3,000 MTCO2e <br />for GHG emissions. Therefore, the results from CalEEMod should then be compared to this significance <br />threshold to determine whether impacts would be significant. <br />Hazards & Hazardous Materials <br />Overview <br />An STR ban may significantly impact related to hazards and hazardous materials from the reasonably <br />foreseeable construction of new hotels to accommodate patrons who would have previously utilized STRs. <br />The Addendum fails to address any of these potential impacts, concluding without supporting evidence <br />that the Proposed Ordinance would "only affect existing structures" and therefore, there would be no <br />change in hazards and hazardous materials impacts beyond those identified in the GP PEIR. (Staff Report, <br />Exhibit 3, p. 35.) This is inadequate. <br />The Analysis in the Addendum Fails to Address Potentially Significant Impacts <br />The Addendum's analysis of hazards and hazardous materials impacts is insufficient, finding that the <br />STR ban would only affect existing structures, and "is not anticipated to result in physical impacts to the <br />environment." (Staff Report, Exhibit 3, p. 35.) This analysis lacks any consideration of the reasonably <br />foreseeable construction of new hotels from an STR ban which could result in potentially significant <br />impacts to hazards and hazardous materials. <br />Construction of New Hotels <br />Development of new hotels has potential to result in impacts from hazards and hazardous materials <br />present in the locations identified in the General Plan for new hotel accommodations. As discussed in the <br />Addendum, the City includes 555 hazardous materials sites, with 63 active or open sites. (Staff Report, <br />Exhibit 3, p. 34.) The City has not established a baseline condition for hazards and hazardous materials <br />and should explain what hazardous materials are present at the locations for potential hotel development. <br />The City should then explain how hazardous materials will be managed during construction and operation <br />of new hotels. The City also has not explained the baseline condition of contamination at the locations for <br />new hotel development, so the current condition of site soil, soil gas, and groundwater is not clear. The <br />24 <br />