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CAJA Environmental Services, LLG <br />9410 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Suite 101 <br />Chatsworth, CA 91311 <br />Phone 310-469-6700 Fax 310-806-9801 <br />City must evaluate and disclose whether new hotel construction would release contaminants and whether <br />that can be mitigated to understand if construction of these hotel facilities is possible. <br />Santa Ana has extensive groundwater contamination from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) related to <br />historic manufacturing uses in the City.38 The City has identified certain locations for new hotels but has <br />not evaluated potential impacts from hazardous or hazardous materials in those locations, such as <br />potential for construction to release hazardous materials into the environment. The City must evaluate this <br />potential given that new hotel development is reasonably foreseeable. <br />Land Use / Planning <br />Overview <br />The STR ban is reasonably likely to have significant land use and planning impacts by eliminating all STRs <br />in the City, and from the reasonably foreseeable construction of new hotels to accommodate patrons who <br />would have previously utilized STRs. The STR ban also has potential to result in significant land use <br />impacts due to urban decay. The Addendum fails to address any of these potential impacts, concluding <br />without supporting evidence that the Proposed Ordinance would "only affect existing structures" and <br />therefore, there would be no change in land use and planning impacts beyond those identified in the GP <br />PEIR. (Staff Report, Exhibit 3, p. 37.) This is inadequate. <br />The Analysis in the Addendum Fails to Address Potentially Significant Impacts <br />The Addendum's analysis of land use and planning impacts is insufficient, finding that the STR ban would <br />only affect existing structures, and "is not anticipated to result in physical impacts to the environment." <br />(Staff Report, Exhibit 3, p. 37.) The Addendum notes that the STR ban would "improve the connectivity of <br />existing communities by improving the compatibility of existing uses and preserving the character and <br />integrity of existing neighborhoods (Land Use Element Goal 3) through the prohibition of STRs within long- <br />term residential neighborhoods." (Id., p. 38.) The analysis in the Addendum lacks any consideration of the <br />reasonably foreseeable land use impacts resulting from eliminating all STRs, construction of new hotels, <br />and urban decay from the STR ban. <br />Inconsistency with General Plan <br />The City failed to adequately analyze the consistency of the STR ban with its General Plan, narrowly <br />focusing only on the goal of preserving the character or residential neighborhoods. (Staff Report, Exhibit <br />3, pp. 37-38 [citing to Land Use Element Goal 31.) The STR ban's elimination of all existing STRs in the <br />City is inconsistent with the City's General Plan Land Use Element when viewed holistically and in the <br />context of the entire General , which contemplates efficient use of City land and maximizing efficient use <br />of City resources, including a variety of goals and policies for responsible development in the City.39 For <br />example, Land Use Element Goal LU-2 is aimed at providing a balance of land uses to meet the City's <br />38 City of Santa Ana, Delhi Groundwater, available here: <br />groundwater/#:—:text=This%20groundwater%20is%20contaminated%20near,of%20Santa%20Ana%27s%20drinkin <br />g%20water (last visited Oct. 7, 2024). <br />39 See Santa Ana General Plan, Land Use Element. <br />25 <br />