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CAJA Environmental Services, LLG <br />9410 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Suite 101 <br />Chatsworth, CA 91311 <br />Phone 310-469-6700 Fax 310-806-9801 <br />diverse needs.40 Policy LU-4.3 "encourage[s] land uses and strategies that reduce energy and water <br />consumption, waste and noise generation, soil contamination, air quality impact, and light pollution.9941 As <br />discussed above, a 2018 Cleantech analysis found that when guests stay at an STIR, significantly less <br />energy and water is used, greenhouse gas emissions are lower, and waste is reduced, compared to hotel <br />stays42 and an article published in the Small Business Institute Journal also proposed that sharing economy <br />based accommodations are likely to consume less energy and water, and produce fewer GHG emissions <br />and less waste, than traditional accommodations.43 By removing the ability of hosts to operate STRs from <br />existing residences, the City is acting in a manner inconsistent with its Land Use Element policy to <br />encourage resources efficient land uses. The City is inappropriately relying entirely on the Land Use <br />Element goal of preserving the character of residential neighborhoods, without any substantial evidence <br />to demonstrate that STRs in the City are having a negative impact on the character of residential <br />neighborhoods and ignoring the other goals and policies of the Land Use Element. <br />Construction of New Hotels <br />It is reasonably foreseeable that an STIR ban will disperse existing STIR users to other locations that permit <br />STRs and induce hotel development. These changes from existing conditions could foreseeably conflict <br />with the City's General Plan plans, policies, and regulations, requiring analysis under CEQA as to whether <br />there would be a significant environmental impact due to a conflict with a land use plan, policy, or regulation <br />adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect. <br />The City's General Plan Land Use Element, Policy LU-4.5 aims to "[c]oncentrate development along high <br />quality transit corridors to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and transportation -related carbon <br />emissions.9944 As discussed above, the City has identified in its General Plan, Specific Plans, and Zoning <br />Code certain locations for hotel development. Many of these locations identified for potential development <br />of new hotels may not be centrally located to promote sustainable development, an STIR ban may be <br />inconsistent with the City's General Plan. <br />Urban Decay <br />An STIR ban also has potential to result in urban decay, which the City must analyze. Loss of business <br />revenue from tourists unable to secure alternative lodging and unwilling to travel from neighboring areas <br />to the City could cause distressing effects in the business community, potentially leading to business <br />closures and urban decay. <br />The STIR market contributes to the local economy by employing many people, including those working <br />pool service, drycleaning, upholstery, catering, bike rentals, yoga studios, transportation, restaurants, <br />wineries, tasting rooms, groceries, home repair and improvement, nurseries and landscaping, and <br />40 General Plan, Land Use Element, LU-5. <br />41 Ibid. <br />42 Airbnb, How the Airbnb Community Supports Environmentally -Friendly Travel Worldwide (Apr. 2018), <br /> -friendly-travel-worldwide. <br />43 Midgett et al., The Sharing Economy and Sustainability: A Case for Airbnb, 13 SMALL BUSINESS INST. J. 2, pp. 61- <br />63 (2017). <br />44 Santa Ana General Plan, Land Use Element, LU-08. <br />W <br />