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CAJA Environmental Services, LLC <br />9410 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Suite 101 <br />Chatsworth, CA 91311 <br />Phone 310-469-6700 Fax 310-806-9801 <br />constructed (including size and placement of the new use as well construction schedule, construction <br />equipment, amount of grading, amount of hauling, etc.). The increase in noise from construction should <br />then be compared against the threshold to determine whether the increase in noise is greater than the <br />threshold, in which case there would be a potentially significant impact. The likelihood of significant impacts <br />increases where there are sensitive uses (such as residences) in close proximity to construction. If <br />potentially significant impacts have been identified, mitigation measures, if feasible, would need to be <br />provided to reduce impacts to less than significant. If feasible mitigation is not available (which for noise, <br />it often is not feasible), impacts could be significant. <br />Regarding construction vibration impacts, depending on the proximity of adjacent sensitive receptors, an <br />analysis should be prepared to quantify projected vibration levels from construction of new replacement <br />facilities. For example, if a new hotel is constructed in an area adjacent to a historical or archaeological <br />resource, the City must evaluate whether there could be building damage caused to those resources. The <br />increase in vibration from construction should be compared against the applicable thresholds for both <br />building damage and human annoyance to determine whether the increase in vibration is greater than the <br />threshold, in which case there would be a potentially significant impact. The likelihood of significant impacts <br />increases where there are sensitive uses (such as residences) in close proximity to construction. If <br />potentially significant impacts have been identified, mitigation measures, if feasible, would need to be <br />provided to reduce impacts to less than significant. It is likely that there would be feasible mitigation for <br />building damage impacts (such as monitoring a building during vibration -producing activities). Conversely, <br />it is difficult to mitigate human annoyance impacts beyond increasing the distance from the construction <br />activity to the sensitive receptor. Therefore, if you have a sensitive receptor adjacent to vibration -producing <br />construction activity, you could have a significant impact with respect to human annoyance. <br />Operation of New Hotels <br />All issues associated with the potential operational noise impacts from existing hotels apply to the City's <br />failure to calculate potential noise impacts from operation of new hotels. Adding more hotels to the City's <br />existing hotel stock would further concentrate traffic on roadways going to hotels in the area resulting in <br />noise impacts above the City's General Plan Noise Element standard of 65 dBA CNEL, potentially <br />exacerbating existing noise impacts or creating a new noise impact. (Ramboll Environmental Analysis, p. <br />9.) Further, it is possible that to avoid the potentially significant impacts associated with adding more hotels <br />to the areas of the City that already have several hotels, new hotels would be constructed farther from a <br />city center or tourist destination, resulting in greater urban sprawl and vMT, which could result in higher <br />noise levels from increased traffic in these areas. These new hotels would also produce noise from <br />mechanical equipment, parking facilities, loading docks, and amenity spaces. <br />The City must evaluate the potential for noise complaints associated with operation of new hotels to <br />determine whether there would be a significant impact. <br />29 <br />