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Correspondence - PH #35
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Correspondence - PH #35
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M B dLL <br />more electricity and natural gas per person than STRs, as shown in Table 2 and in the CalEEMod output <br />in Appendix 13.9 <br />TahIP 2 _ C)nPrafinnal FnPrnv l lqP nPr PPrgnn <br />Land Use <br />Electricity <br />Natural Gas <br />kWh/yr/person <br />kBTU/yr/person <br />Hotel <br />61773 <br />13,974 <br />Short Term Rentals <br />1,231 <br />6,846 <br />As a result of the increase in energy consumption when staying in a hotel instead of an STR, GHG <br />emissions from energy consumption per person would increase by 179 percent. <br />5 An STR Ban Will Increase Fossil Fuel Usage <br />In addition, increased VMT would require greater reliance on fossil fuels to power vehicle trips. Even <br />with California's policies to shift the vehicle fleet towards cleaner cars and trucks, vehicle usage will <br />continue to rely on gasoline for car and truck trips for years to come. The STR ban therefore results in <br />greater reliance on fossil fuels, inconsistent with regional and state climate policy. The estimated fuel <br />use is summarized in Table 3 and utilizes the same assumptions from Table 1. Additional calculation <br />details can be found in Appendix A. 10 <br />TahIP 'I_ Daily MnhilP Fiipl C'nncijmnfinn <br />Land Use <br />Gasoline <br />Diesel <br />Gallons per day <br />Gallons per day <br />Hotels <br />6,916 <br />197 <br />Short Term Rentals <br />1,272 <br />36 <br />Percent Increase with Hotel Use <br />444% <br />447% <br />7 An STR Ban Could Concentrate Traffic Resulting in Potential Noise and Health <br />Impacts <br />The potential ban of short-term rentals in Santa Ana could result in concentrated traffic on roadways <br />going to hotels in the area, which could have noise and health impacts to the surrounding land uses. As <br />described above, removing short term rentals as a means for lodging in Santa Ana would result in <br />visitors needing to rely on hotels for their stay. Currently, there are over 20 hotels in the city limits of <br />Santa Ana and over half of them are located in one concentrated area in the southeastern part of the <br />City along Highway 55. It can be assumed that if more people will need stay in hotels instead of STRs, <br />then the traffic to this part of town would increase significantly as it is likely all of this traffic would be <br />concentrated to the roadways surrounding the hotel zone area. In comparison, traffic caused from <br />9 The CalEEMod analysis is based on 134 dwelling units, which is the amount of STRs that would accommodate the <br />same number of people as a 250 room hotel. However, the energy use per person and percent increase in GHG <br />emission is independent of the absolute number of short-term rentals in Santa Ana. <br />10 The fuel usage is based on 1,000 STRs in Santa Ana. However, the percent increase is independent of the number <br />of short-term rentals in Santa Ana. <br />8/ 14 <br />
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