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M B dLL <br />the proposed STR ban, and the traffic volume increase caused the CNEL level to now exceed 65 dBA, <br />the STR ban could be considered to have caused a significant impact. <br />The magnitude of a traffic noise increase is dependent on several factors including the traffic volume <br />increase, the vehicle mix, and the local site conditions. Based on standard methodologies prescribed by <br />the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and considering a vehicle mix typical of suburban/urban <br />areas, traffic volume increases would be expected to result in the following traffic noise increases. <br />Project -specific detailed analysis, including a traffic analysis, would be required to further evaluate. <br />Nonetheless, the volume increases listed below suggest the traffic increases likely necessary to increase <br />the existing traffic noise conditions would need to be significant. As shown in the Figure below, the <br />existing hotel stock is in the area near Highway 55 that is either already above the noise standard of 65 <br />dBA or near the standard. Therefore, adding additional traffic to this area due to the shift to hotels as a <br />result of the STR ban or the addition of new hotels to the area has the potential to exacerbate the <br />existing noise impacts or create a new noise impact. Therefore, this should be studied in more detail. <br />Figure 3. Contours from the Noise Element. Source: Noise Element, Santa Ana General Plan, Final, <br />April 2022. <br />10/14 <br />